четверг, 14 июня 2012 г.

Горы зовут. Походы по Крыму и Карпатам.

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Traverse the Crimea - from curly to Masha Sentry-Oba
2012-05-30 14:52
Review of the march on May Day celebrations in 2012 on the route, Water and Stones XL There are also many different ways to go. See almost everything that is rich in the Crimea, but something left for dessert. Climb into the mountains and down to the sea. And the whole day to rest on the sand. Do you really were any other options, like to spend holidays in May? When a certain country wants to face the world and demonstrate the best that it has, organized a press trip. It invited journalists from the most respected publications, or just hyped. Journalists go, walk, climb, take pictures, write and publish reports. Form an image. Next to the country rushes stream of tourists who drive, walk, climb, shoot, help your money to local craftsmen and the economy - and also form the image. And while even the Crimea can not be a stretch to call neraskruchennym or obscure region, the route of the Water and Stones XL» would fit perfectly for the role of the press campaign. It has almost everything to see and do ...
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