четверг, 12 января 2012 г.

Горы зовут. Походы по Крыму и Карпатам.

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Extreme Weekend
2011-12-16 20:54
Crimea, 3 days. 22 kms. 800 hryvnia (3,200 rubles), Complexity: High Extreme Weekend - a simple way to test yourself and learn the elements of mining equipment (working with ropes, basic units, dyulferom descent, crossing a rope). The route passes through the most beautiful mountain Crimea - Demerdzhi, so you will not only strictly dosed extreme, but a whole bunch of gorgeous scenery. Simferopol - Angarsk pass - pass FUNAI - Cave MAN - North Demerdzhi - Dzhurla - - Alak Canyon - Valley of Ghosts - Radiant - Simferopol

My trip to the Himalayas
2011-12-20 03:06
impressions of the trip, To the heart of Annapurna (Nepal) in October 2011. Danym ago, in a past life - back in 2010-m, I decided that my existence is empty and monotonous, and that this can not continue. I've never done anything on this standing and interesting, and just coasted on dreaming about others, imposed compartment and society goals and values​​. In the end, I ran into a wall and decided that this is the best time to change your life once and for all))). I decided to change everything - from the looks, power, weight and nature, ending a way of life, circle of contacts and hobbies. So that's about hobbies - I've always wanted to travel, but for some reason always put it back on then, finding more and more reasons. And now it was time to do it ...

Speleotour on Chatyr-Dag
2011-12-21 13:38
Crimea, 6 days. 40 km. 1900 grivnas (7700 roubles), Complexity: the comprehensible Speleotur on caves of Chatyr-Daga - surprising acquaintance to the fantastic underground world. By means of special equipment we will get into depths of an underground kingdom of this giant file. Kingdoms freakish and surprising kaltsitovyh formations, fantastic forms natechnyh the columns covered with crystals, surprising stalactites and geliktitov. Air temperature in caves of +9 degrees, and it means that we can comfortably walk in mysterious bowels unlike winter not always a friendly surface. The camp at us too will not be - we will take place in a mountain camp site where it is warm and cosy. Simferopol - Chatyr-Dag - a camp site Onyx-round - radial exits in caves: Tysjachegolovaja, Cold, Gugerdzhin, Emine-Bair-Hosar, Marble, Uchundzhu-Hosar (Fur-tree), Army, Landslide, Vjalova - Perevalnoe - Simferopol
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