| Алые паруса - видео из майского похода по Восточному Крыму 2011-03-07 01:35 На майские праздники Крым переполнен туристами. Но есть места, где даже в мае людей мало и можно побыть наедине с природой. Это я, ненавязчиво так, рекламирую вам маршрут Алые паруса (content/view/797/194) 1-6 мая 2011.
Three on a stove bench, one on a table 2011-03-09 00:31 the Campaign «the Highest tops of Ukraine» from June, 20 till June, 25th, 2010.Group structure - 3 tourists plus a conductor Alexander Kushnarev. Have got to the strong bad weather, two days have stayed in a small izba (on local - kolyba), therefore from planned were in time a little - Petros and Goverlu.The campaign has left strong impressions, there was all - both a heat, and a cold, both the beautiful nature, and descent with Petrosa in a fog in the rain. Instead of interesting, but a predicted route, the extreme-round full of unexpectedness has turned out. I remained is very happy. Подробности на нашем сайте о походах |
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