| To be or not to try ... or not? 2010-08-06 04:09 Trip "the highest peaks of Ukraine 4-9 July 2010. Ever wanted to spend your vacation special, not passively lying on the beach and sipping cocktails, and actively, with some taste of adrenalin. The main reason is just desire, namely the Carpathians, and not least, working in the office all day in front of a computer and a desire to simply active movement. Wanted - and did. Dark blue mountains 2010-08-06 05:24 the Response about a campaign «the Highest tops of Ukraine», 20 - on June, 25th, 2010. Perhaps, I will begin from the very beginning - time dopohodnogo. This time includes also tourist meetings at school, and university runaways from pairs in the spring to Crimea, and constant presence of thought: «Instead of whether to go to us somewhere?». But, at any vital stage all it shrouds a life and monotony fog: the backpack appears presented to someone as superfluous, the tent has definitively dampened on a summer residence, friends prefer sea tour in five-stars hotels … And you in heart still has pressing melancholy behind clouds, a wind, a smoke of a fire and freedom … The ban on visits to the mountain zone in the Crimea 2010-08-07 22:45 6 August issued a decree of the Council of Ministers of Crimea on a total ban on visiting the mountain forest zone. This is done to prevent the threat of fires in a heat wave. Rescue Service to terminate the registration of tourist groups. So far, only until 15 August. But if the weather does not change, then the ban will be extended. In connection with this invitation to all of the Carpathians. It was a rainy summer, the threat of fires, no, no and wild heat. For tourists already inscribed on the trip to the Crimea (15 August), offering an additional 10% discount for referral to the Carpathian hiking. Подробности на нашем сайте о походах |
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