воскресенье, 18 апреля 2010 г.

Горы зовут. Походы по Крыму и Карпатам.

As we learnt unprecedented corners of Crimea
2010-04-17 20:51
Impressions of a hike(trekking tour) the Forgotten world on April, 3-5rd, 2010 Crimea. When you speak, that had a rest in Crimea, now it does not surprise many and does not delight, because well who did not happen in Crimea - now fashionably abroad! And here when you start to tell about adventures for these(it) 3 days (though for some reason actually you think, that was there much longer), understand, that these(it) 3 days have opened for our small company absolutely another, very grasping(fascinating) and all also fine, novel edge(territory).

History of one (very short) hike
2010-04-17 21:11
the Response about a hike « the Forgotten world » on April, 3-5rd, 2010 I shall note at once, this hike(trekking tour) for those who the most tasty eats all over again. I, unfortunately, not from such, therefore sitting in a train on a return way, have felt easy(light) kognitivnyj a discord. No, the hike(trekking tour) has liked me, however has been presented as a French wine in plastic bottle :)

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