суббота, 30 ноября 2013 г.

Интересное из мира психологии

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Письмо рассылки "Интересное из мира психологии" от 01-12-2013

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и только для Вас наша новая рассылка!

       Как правое полушарие нашего мозга связано с деньгами?

Начну издалека. Как известно, наш головной мозг состоит из двух полушарий. Но не все знают, насколько сильно функции этих полушарий отличаются друг от друга.

Если левое полушарие отвечает за логические умопостроения, анализ, расчет и планирование, то правое — за творчество, создание нового, интуицию и особое, глубинное видение и нахождение неожиданных, но сильных и верных решений тех трудностей, которые перед нами возникают.

Понятно, что такие важные функции делают каждое полушарие по-своему нужными. Но современная культура нашего общества устроена таким образом, что она стимулирует использование только левого полушария.

В практике это выглядит следующим образом. Не хватает денег? Подумай, просчитай и распланируй, что тебе необходимо делать для того, чтобы зарабатывать больше. Не знаешь, чем заниматься в жизни? Составь списочек «за» и «против» и посчитай количество плюсиков и минусиков… Читать дальше…

       Заявление на работу в Макдональдсе


Джон Смит


Не определен еще. Все еще жду правильного человека.


Президент или вице-президент. А если серьезно, любая, которая у вас есть. Если бы я был очень разборчивым, стал бы я подавать сюда заявление.


185000 долларов в год плюс пакет акций. Если это невозможно, сделайте ваше предложение и мы поторгуемся.

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       Притча недели

Смотреть на солнце - притча от Пауло Коэльо

Ученик пришёл к учителю и сказал ему так:

— Много лет кряду я отыскиваю просветление. Сейчас чувствую, что почти вплотную приблизился к нему. Хочу знать, каков должен быть мой следующий шаг?

— А чем ты зарабатываешь себе на жизнь? — спросил наставник.

— Пока ещё не научился зарабатывать. Меня содержат отец и мать. Ну да, впрочем, это совсем не важно.

— Ты спрашиваешь, каков должен быть твой следующий шаг? Полминуты неотрывно смотри на солнце,— сказал наставник, и ученик так и сделал.

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       Тесты онлайн

Мотивация успеха и боязнь неудачи (опросник А. А. Реана)
Классическая психологическая методика, направленная на определение того, что движет поведением человека в различных ситуациях, - мотивация успеха или боязнь неудачи. Отвечая на нижеприведенные вопросы, необходимо выбрать ответ «да» или «нет». Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, то вспомните, что «да» объединяет как явное «да», так и «скорее да, чем нет». То же относится и к ответу «нет»: он объединяет явное «нет» и «скорее нет, чем да». Отвечать на вопросы следует быстро, не задумываясь надолго. Ответ, который первый приходит в голову, как: правило, является и наиболее точным.

       Новые поступления нашей Библиотеки

Кетро М.« Как правильно ошибаться. Большая книга мануалов»

Книга «Как правильно ошибаться» об искусстве ошибаться, о том, как правильно, красиво и с минимальным риском делать глупости, получая от удовольствие от процесса. Вы в любом случае наступите на все грабли, расставленные на вашем пути, так уж будьте при этом счастливы или хотя бы веселы. Как влюбляться в кого попало, стоит ли взрослеть до того, как состаришься, что подмешать мужу в овсянку, чтобы он вас наконец-то полюбил? Вы получите множество вредных и аморальных рецептов на самые разные случаи.

Анджелис Б. « Секрет абсолютно женственности»

Эта книга Барбары де Анджелис — приглашение жить сердцем, не страшиться бурных впечатлений, самых дерзких романтических мечтаний, окунуться в мир, полный эмоций и сбывающихся надежд. Барбара поможет каждой женщине обрести уверенность в себе, стать достойной самой пылкой любви, научиться жить «здесь» и «сейчас», позволить сердцу руководить своим выбором. А уверенная в себе женщина, составляющая одно целое со своими мечтами, способная жить напряженно и ярко, всегда будет обладать неотразимой притягательностью и АБСОЛЮТНОЙ женственностью!

Вишневский Я. « Молекулы эмоций»

Книга известного ученого и писателя Януша Вишневского «Молекулы эмоций» — это истории человеческих драм, любви, страданий. Это картина того, что глубже всего укрыто, наиболее болезненно, наиболее важно. Волнующая правда о другом человеке. Рассказ о нем бывает рассказом о нас.

— Папа, а почему конфеты заворачивают в шелестящие обертки?
— Чтоб вся квартира слышала как наша мама худеет.

* * *

— Пoчему?
— Потoму!
— А кoнкретнее можно?
— Потoму чтo!!!

* * *

— А как это вы попали в главное здание ФБР?
— Я — агент
— КГБ?
— Нет, Орифлейм, по продажам

* * *

— Зачем тебе спирт?
— Струны протирать.
— Какие струны?!
— Струны души!

* * *

Три мужика бегут за отходящим поездом. Двое успевают запрыгнуть, третий остается и заливается хохотом. Дежурный по вокзалу:
— Ну и что смешного?
— Да эти двое меня провожали!

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Горы зовут. Походы по Крыму и Карпатам.

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Зимний поход на Черногорский хребет (Карпаты)
2013-11-19 04:17
Карпаты , 5 дней. 50 км. 1300 гривен (5200 рублей, $162) . Сложность: высокая. [raspisanie:черногорский хребет] Зимний траверс Черногорского хребта - настоящее испытание для вас и вашего снаряжения. Ветер на самом высоком хребте Украинских Карпат легко сбивает с ног груженного туриста, из-за глубокого снега даже со снегоступами идется очень тяжело и медленно, для обледеневших склонов Говерлы понадобятся кошки, а ночлеги в отсыревших спальниках потребуют особой изобретательности. Плюс "стремные" карнизы и лавиноопасные участки. А на другой чаше весов - настоящая арктическая романтика аля-Джек Лондон, ночлег в заснеженной обсерватории "Белый слон", суровые фотки в обледеневшей одежде, и целое море сожженных калорий. Ивано-Франковск - с.Дземброня - гора Поп Иван Черногорский (2028 м) - г.Бребенескул (2035 м) - г. Ребра (2001 м)- озеро Несамовыте - г. Туркул (1933 м) - г. Говерла (2060 м) - турбаза Заросляк - Ивано-Франковск

Снаряжение для зимнего похода в Карпаты
2013-11-28 02:02
Выбор снаряжения для зимнего похода по Карпатам определяется в первую очередь ожидаемой погодой. А мы ожидаем повстречать: постоянный сильный ветер, глубокий снег (как минимум по колено), температуру от -15 до +2, мокрый снег с дождем, высокую влажность. Чтобы эффективно справляться со всем этим в течении нескольких дней понадобится 18-20 кг снаряжения, одежды, продуктов и топлива. К счастью, значительная часть этого барахла будет постоянно надета на вас и носить ее в рюкзаке не придется. Если ранее вы не бывали в зимних или высокогорных походах, то возможно вы станете перед фактом, что слишком уж много всего надо купить для подготовки к этому путешествию. Не пугайтесь, почти всегда есть бюджетные способы обзавестись нужной экипировкой - прокат, секондхенд, использование уже имеющихся ресурсов. Не стесняйтесь спрашивать - мы подскажем какое снаряжение лучше выбрать в вашем конкретном случае.
Подробности на нашем сайте о походах

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Кредиты на пополнение оборотных средств под низкие проценты. Срок кредита до 36 месяцев, льготные условия. Акция действительна до 30 апреля. Успей добавить бизнесу обороты!

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* Внимание!!! Ссылки отмеченные звездочками являются платными услугами.

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Fistpack 32: Stuff that Ass (2011)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 03:03 PM PST

Video language: English

It's gut-check time. These fisting fiends are ready to stuff and get stuffed – round after round of bowel boxing that will leave you wishing for more. This is flip fisting at its best and these studs trade ass blows ferociously. This isn't for the squeamish as these pigs take fisting to another dimension, stuffing gaping holes to unthinkable levels and widening holes to unheard of extremes.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:21:36
Video: 720x480, XviD, 1779kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Cute, smooth and horny

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 03:01 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

Denis Reed has long since built a reputation for being a player – a guy who'll pretty much have sex with anything so long as it has a pulse – whilst young Kai Alexander is the kind of boy who'll rut with any dick so long as it's thick, hard and able to give him the sort of ride he's long since grown accustomed to. So put these two fabulous performers together and you can pretty much imagine straightaway what kind of ball-draining escapade it proves to be.

A coupling made all the more intense by the contrasting skin tone on display – Reed's tanned physique pounding away at Alexander's pale butt. It's the simple animalistic passion on show here that serves to make this a truly unforgettable encounter, however; with the Czech top dishing up yet another power-fuck that leaves Alexander's pucker in absolutely no doubt who's the daddy.

Indeed, one can't help wondering how the Brit boy managed to sit down following on from the shoot given the pummelling that his hungry hole receives – a raw barrage of stiff cock that not surprisingly sends him spurting over the edge mid-ride, before the dirty bitch kneels to take the kind of full-on facial that he deserves!

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:09
Video: 720x408, AVC (H.264), 1944kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 325.8 MB

CM - Eli & Leif - Serviced (20 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 03:01 PM PST

Studio: ChaosMen

Eli is usually cracking jokes through-out a shoot. He is pretty funny, and it made Leif smile through the beginning of this video. Plus, I think he just felt awkward sitting next to another dude stroking.

They used some jerk-off sleeves to get things going, playing with each other's cocks. Eventually Eli abandons the toy in favor of sucking Leif's dick.

Finally Leif got serious about having his cock sucked. One of his favorite things!

He did grin a bit when he got his ass rimmed, but it took only a moment or two before he realized it felt great!

Once again we tried to push his boundaries by having Eli stroke both their cocks together, and I think Leif was surprised his cock didn't go down. I think he liked it!

Eli makes him nut, putting his best effort into it. Like the pro he is, he quickly ramps up and adds his load to Leif's DNA spill!

Not sure if Leif will be back for more. He has a sugar momma that is keeping him, and those situation are few and far between, but he did say he would give me a call if things changed for him.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:42
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2955kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 467.5 MB

Bryce Fucks Isaac

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST

Bryce is one of the hottest young men from South Florida. With his tight body, he always looks more muscular with each visit to Masquerade Men. And his throbbing cock is always ready to plow a nice tight ass. And Isaac has a hot tight ass that needs a plowing. And he gets a lot of punishment in this video too, having his hole stretched by Bryce in several different positions.

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:07
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1170kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 172.5 MB

Her Bushy Box is the Main Course

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:52 PM PST

This bitch put Willie Nelson in a leg lock and showed up on set oh wait, that isn't Willie, it just looks like him! Her bushy box is the main course in this three way tour de force where each guy gets a turn taming her beaver before busting a nut on her tits.
This bitch put Willie Nelson in a leg lock and showed up on set oh wait, that isn't Willie, it just looks like him! Her bushy box is the main course in this three way tour de force where each guy gets a turn taming her beaver before busting a nut on her tits.

Format: avi
Duration: 17:46
Video: 640x480, XviD, 2147kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 296.8 MB

Jock vs. Suit

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:51 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Oral, Anal Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Facial, Cumshots

Its day two in Jock hectic working week, but by hectic we don't necessarily mean busy with work.

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:05
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1995kbps
Audio: 97kbps

File size: 339.1 MB

Anthony Romero & Will Braun

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:49 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Big Dicks, Blowjob, Cumshots, Hardcore, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Twink

Will, who has quickly become a fan favorite with only one scene out until now, is back for some more action. And this time with the ever so sexy Anthony Romero. As most sex does, it starts out with passionate kissing. As Anthony kisses down Will's body, Anthony tells him "let me do it," as he rubs Will's cock through his shorts and eventually takes it out to suck it. It doesn't take long before Will is enjoyably eating Anthony's ass before he fucks him. After about 15 minutes of fucking, Will pulls out and cums all over Anthony's back. Enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 26:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2866kbps
Audio: 32kbps

File size: 552.8 MB

Happy Valentines Day

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:46 PM PST

Cast: Naughty Alysha
Genres: allsex, anal, toys, fisting
Video language: English

I delayed my update a couple days this week to wait for a special package to arrive from one of my great members for Valentine's Day. Justin sent me a cute stuffed doggy and some chocolate, but I took it a step further and made this a special Valentine's...

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:23
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1949kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 230.6 MB

Doctor's Orders

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:42 PM PST

Release Year: 2007
Cast: Alejandro Orejuela Alfredo Caycedo Ferdynan Carvajal Javier Baquero Jesid Pombo Miguel Martinez (Slipstream) Juan Moreno Roberto Rodrigues Pablo Garcia
Genres: Latin Feature Twink Fratboys Uncut Safe Sex White Collar

Description: The renowned St. Samuel's Academy Bogota, faces one of the most serious threats in its illustrious history when a mysterious epidemic starts striking down the boys. Faced with the danger of parents taking their sons out of school - or even complete disclosure by the authorities - Headmaster Moreno resorts to desperate measures. He orders Dr. Rodriguez and Dr. Garcia to put all afflicted boys in isolation while they work frantically on finding an antidote. Of course, as this is St. Samuel's, the two doctors can be relied upon to experiment with a wide range of stimulating - if unorthodox - treatments in their search for a remedy. And, while they do so, the quarantined boys in the school sanatorium show that their illness definitely hasn't affected their sex drives!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:21:22
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1695kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

kangoku hebi hime Super HD-Quality 3D 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:39 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Straight, Creampie, Big tits, Vibrators
Video language: English

The largest government-run penitentiary in the world has remained an impenetrable fortress, except for one incident 22 years ago.Just before the climax of a decisive fight there's a massive jailbreak. The sole female of the Shichibukai, a certain pirate snake princess, is suspected as the jailbreak's mastermind.They'll see her in chains for her treason.

Format: mkv (Matroska)
Duration: 19:29
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264)

File size: 614.5 MB

Paingate - Lady anne streched and whipped like hell

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:39 PM PST

You like beautiful aristrocratic Ladies in agony? Than this punishment deep under Duncan Castle is the right stuff for you.In this episode the two landlords Earl Duncan and Lord McGwyer don't spare with their singletails and bullwhips.

Total size: 40.6 MB in 6 files.

The Golden Age of Porn

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:36 PM PST

Release Year: 2005
Cast: Janey Robbins, Kay Parker, Blair Harris, Jon Martin, Kirk Wilder, George Payne, Paul Thomas, Jerry Butler
Genres: Classic, Compilation
Video language: English

Two fisted cocksucking freak - Janey Robbins, will rock your world! She will drain your nut sack and take everything you've got in every hole! So don't miss this busty classic from the Golden Age of Porn!

Format: avi
Duration: 56:48
Video: 640x480, XviD, 1171kbps
Audio: 96kbps

File size: 533.0 MB

Panty Wank

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:35 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Solo, Nylons & Stockings, Masturbation, Lingerie, Hardcore, Brunettes
Video language: English

I strip my panties off and use them to rub myself up and down, the silk makes for a very smooth feel indeed. My cock tingles as it touches the soft fabric of these knickers and it just gets rock solid. I know I'm in for a good time now.

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:34
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1467kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 135.2 MB

Terrible pain.

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:35 PM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Duration: 48 min
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Actresses: Cool girls
Description:Terrible pain. From the second you see Zayda J in her hot red dress you can tell this is going to be a good day. PD has her pacing in circles, working on her posture and her form. Every step she takes is supposed to be a study in seduction. Each move needs to look natural and , no matter the circumstances. She has to be able to maintain her composure without fail. That means she can expect PD to break her with his training. He is going to remake her just the way he wants her. A seductive little walking, talking fuck-toy

Video: Windows Media Video File 1280x720 1500 Kbps
Audio: Cooker 44.1 KHz 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kbps

File size: 689.6 MB

Jordi and Ivana (Hasta Su Madre Se Lo Folla) (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:33 PM PST

Video language: English

At this time, our famous Jordi fucks beautiful pregnant girl

Format: mp4
Duration: 31:10
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1098kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 287.4 MB

Michal Bobanek

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:30 PM PST

Michal Bobanek is aged 28 and he lives in Chodov. He works as a fitness trainer, enjoying sports, bodybuilding and fitness in his free time. Michal looks very good indeed in this shoot, with his handsome face and hot body. As he removes his tee-shirt Michal shows off a wonderful chest. He really does impress. Removing his jeans Michal then poses in just his underwear, lowering it some to tease with a view of his hot ass. Turning back to the camera he lowers the undies further to show off his flaccid cock, resting on his balls. As he sits on the edge of the bed Michal's heavy balls and his cock dangle over the edge beautifully. When he stands again Michal gets his cock good and hard and poses to show it off. What a beautiful cock that is, standing proud as it pokes out from his hot body. Sitting and leaning back on the bed Michal holds his big, stiff cock up to show it off so well. He kneels on the bed and displays his hot ass, with the cheeks parting to let us see his tight pucker hole. What a beautiful ass he has. He then kneels on the bed with his cock rock hard, before laying down and pulling his legs into the air to give a different view of his sexy ass and tight hole. The Michal stands again and finishes off with a series of very nice poses.

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:42
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2457kbps
Audio: 102kbps

File size: 125.9 MB

QX Men 88

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:30 PM PST

Release Year: 2013

Country: UKFormat: PDFNumber of pages: 64Description: The magazine for gay men who are interested in porno & sex. The wealth of information: news from the world porn, articles, photos and interviews. Download and enjoy!

File size: 11.5 MB

Bes of Khanchit

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:26 PM PST

If these boys find an empty hole, you better believe they are sticking their hard cock in it.

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:17:30
Video: 720x576, MPEG-2, 9414kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 3.8 GB

Indian girl Creampie

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:22 PM PST

Cast: Indira

Indira is about to take on two cocks in this scene. Once the poster example of restraint and that Indian coyness a woman is supposed to have, Indira got a taste of good cock and found she couldn't get enough of it. We made her keep her dress on in this clip cause her hairy Indian pussy contrasted nicely against the gold tunic as she gets fucked hard and left with cum dripping out of her curry cunt.

Format: avi
Duration: 31:07
Video: 480x360, XviD, 1268kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 308.6 MB

CM - Bay & Bentley (15 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:20 PM PST

Studio: ChaosMen

Bentley was on Summer break from school and wanted to pick up a gig. After his great performance with Solomon, I knew he could take the lead and be a bit more bossy. I asked him if he wanted to try bottoming, but he declined. He is still not there. Bay can handle a big gun, and he is no slouch in the size department himself. The two had pretty awesome chemistry, and hit-it-off on the car ride to the studio Bentley is usually a quiet dude, but he was a lot more talkative with Bay.

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:51
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2167kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 384.3 MB

Hollywood Hotel

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:16 PM PST

Cast: Naughty Alysha
Genres: allsex, anal, toys, fisting
Video language: English

We were in Hollywood for a few days, and I was filming a video for Jay Sin and Evil Angel. (Don't worry, you guys will see it here once it's finished.) We had some down time in our hotel the day we were supposed to leave, and since I had beaten my holes...

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:02
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1948kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 210.3 MB

Daisy Summers (2013) SiteRip

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:14 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Daisy Summers
Genres: All sex

Daisy needs to find her friend. The last place she remembers seeing her is at her friend's brother's party the other night. She stops by her friend's brother's, Ryan's, house. Her friend isn't there so Daisy decides to hang around with Ryan instead. She wants to play a little game of truth or dare with Ryan, but really she just wants to get him naked. She succeeds in her plan and has her mouth, and pussy, around Ryan's cock in no time.

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:26
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 1366kbps
Audio: 100kbps

File size: 307.2 MB

ManRoyale - Sexy Cowboy

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:12 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Man Royale
Cast: Steve Vex and Zachary Perry
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot

Rough riding does not only happen in the wild west. These two burly hombres love to play cowboy in the new Man Royale video! Hunky cowboy Steve Vex fucks the cum out of his ripped scene partner, Zachary Perry, so you shouldn't miss this hot video! Watch Steve and Zachary fuck at Man Royale Watch.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:12
Video: 950x534, AVC (H.264), 2447kbps
Audio: 109kbps

File size: 379.0 MB

Lucy B Sucking in Pink (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:07 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bukkake

Bukkake is a sex act where several men stand around a women and ejaculate over her. At this video we offer you more than this!

Format: mp4
Duration: 9:09
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 841kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 60.9 MB

Transcontinental Debs 2

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:06 PM PST

Release Year: 1995
Genres: Shemale, Transsexual, All Sex
Video language: English

Here is absolutely the kinkiest Debs ever filmed! Our cameras have gone deep into the Oriend and found the sexiest girly-boys that have ever been fucked. It's chicks with dicks Oriental style. Everything from deep dildo stuffing up tight ass-holes, throbbing cum-filled cock-sucking, to incredible group trans encounters this is the ultimate in transsexual sex with an Oriental flavor and a few other surprises!

Format: MPEG
Duration: 45:45
Video: 720x480, MPEG-2, 3906kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Adriano Luna & Nick Parker

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:06 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Interracial, Kissing, Latinos, Masturbation, Muscles, Tattoos

Nick hails from San Francisco. Unfortunately his flight was delayed 5 times due to fog in San Diego and then at 9 PM it was finally cancelled for the day. Nick was rescheduled to fly the next morning and Adriano picked Nick up and they spent the day sightseeing in San Diego. By the time they got home it was almost dark. We sat down for an interview and it was obvious that the two of them had a great day being together. Adriano was really horny and he was hot to get Nick naked. As it turns out Adriano admitted he had not cum in over 48 hours and, for him, THAT was a long time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:30
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2899kbps
Audio: 32kbps

File size: 634.1 MB

Miracle device to Nipple

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:05 PM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 44 min.
Description: Miracle device to Nipple.Good BDSM videos with elements of torture. Watch and enjoy

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 232.6 MB

Rya Pregnant Sex (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:03 PM PST

Video language: English

This week's update is an ECG first: our college girl is 6 months pregnant and just starting to show. For fans of pregnant women, this update is a wish granted. From her slightly rounded belly to her full, perky tits to her creampie cravings, this week is something different.
As we get started with our interview, Rya reveals a few interesting facts. First, obviously, that she's pregnant. Next up she explains that she didn't lose her virginity until the age of 18. Seeing that she's 19 now, and six months pregnant, now I'm no math expert as you can surely gather from my career choice but that seems like some suspicious timing. At one point Rya explains that she was an honor student in high school, which seems weird since she obviously flunked sex ed.
Anywho, this is a win-win.

Format: mp4
Duration: 53:00
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3414kbps
Audio: 106kbps

File size: 1.3 GB


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST

What I took away from Joe is he seems to be a really responsible young man.

His mother has been sick many years, and he took over taking care of his siblings. One sister is about to go to college while his bother is in high school. To make ends meet during an emergency, he took out a high interest loan, which he has all but paid down.

Format: mp4
Duration: 13:44
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2172kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 231.5 MB

Daniel & Jesse

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST

Release Year: 2010
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

British twink Jesse is wound up and can't sleep, so he uses hung brunette Daniel to get his sexual frustrations out. He goes right to work whipping out and deep throating Daniel's uncut cock. Daniel returns the favor, but has more fun when he tips the uncut blonde's bottom up and proceeds to chow down on Jesse's hole. Jesse then begs for Daniel to shove bare dick in his raw hole, and he's happy to oblige. What makes this bareback fuck even hotter is the sound of Jesse's grunts and groans as Daniel pumps his raw flesh into his bum. Jesse then sits on Daniel's raging hard cock until he shoots a load all over the twink's smooth, tanned chest. Daniel then orders Jesse to flip over so that he can spill his own seed on Jesse's abs. Sleep is now eminent for both of these Euro boys.

Alena's man has been waiting to fuck her and today is his lucky today to have her.

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST

Studio: IFuckedHerFinally.com
Video language: English

Alena and her man are finally together. He begins to remove her top and suck on her breasts. He licks each breast and she greatly enjoys the tingling and grabbing by him.

NakedSword - Dream Team, Episode 2: Tate Ryder & Topher Dimaggio

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:59 PM PST

Putting Tate Ryder in a room with Topher DiMaggio is like introducing caviar to champagne: delicious and deluxe. In the second scene from NakedSword's Dream Team, we get Tate with his firm, gorgeous ass paired with Topher, the irresistible jackhammer top. These are porn superstars, and when NakedSword Originals dresses them up — Topher in sophisticated Alexander McQueen and Tate sheathed in Versace — you see the men behind the muscle. But keeping guys this hot apart is futile, and it doesn't take long for Topher to grab Tate and dive in. This is heart-throbbing, ass-pounding sex at it's finest, the kind that makes your mouth water… and your cock pop.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:32
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1594kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 246.5 MB

Mastery Kneeling

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:55 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Video language: English

This position is very easy to get into and it will work for any guy no matter how skilful or physically strong he is. You won't need any acrobatic skills either. It's simple but very sensual due to the great body contact and face-to-face positioning. The giver assumes a sitting position (it's better to do on a sofa or a couch) and leans back while the receiver straddles him and gets ready for a long and exciting butt ride. The giver is also free to touch and fondle his lover's body while he keeps bouncing up and down on his cock. This comfy anal position will call for lots of mouth kissing too.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 3:11
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2338kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 57.1 MB

Magical Model

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:52 PM PST

Cast: Nataly Von

A new place offered in backstage, enjoy the video making-of featured marvelous Nataly Von in studio... She's smart, funny, beautiful and it was a real pleasure working with her. A magical model!

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 6:27
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4685kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 227.6 MB

Hole 2- Luke Milan, Bryan Cole

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:46 PM PST

Cast: Luke Milan, Bryan Cole
Genres: Anal, Boots, jockstraps, prisons, bathroom sex, Oral, rimming, Tattoos, fetish, cum shots
Video language: English

Luke Milan is naked, immobilized by plastic wrap binding him to a bed. His humongous dick is hard, but his deeply tanned muscles cannot prevail against the plastic. He's being watched by a man who is silhouetted behind a plastic curtain. The shadowed voyeur, Bryan Cole, appears to be masturbating. He pushes his way into the room and begins to massage Luke through the plastic. Bryan is smooth and muscular, with rings in both nipples, a chromium bar through the underside of his penis and a worn jockstrap. Luke cannot move but his breathing grows heavier as Bryan caresses and tongues the exposed parts of his body, slowly pushing the plastic out of the way. Bryan releases Luke's cock and sucks it. Now Luke can move his hips, which rock to fuck Bryan's face. Bryan removes the plastic covering Luke's head and sits on his face. Hardcore gay porn is flickering on the closed-circuit TV monitors on the wall. Bryan backs up until the tip of Luke's cock is poised to sunder his hole. They connect with a single synchronized movement of their hips. Luke fucks Bryan in three positions, stopping to suck him. They lie in each other's embrace, their flesh welded by sweat, and jerk out their loads.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:56
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4631kbps
Audio: 146kbps

File size: 908.6 MB

Down On The Farm (1982)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:42 PM PST

Release Year: 1982
Cast: Lee Marlin Jeff Hunter Bill Thompson Toby Watson Chad Gibson Chuck Burton
Genres: Classic Muscles Outdoors Anal Pre-Condom

Description: Country boys do it best in the great outdoors in this collection of three short films from Nova Studios. The title segment Down on the Farm begins with humpy Lee Marlin visiting his hunky hick, country buddy Toby Watson. They take a roll in the hay and pull out their cocks to stroke one another. Naturally, these horny studs satisfy desires of mutual face-fucking and ass-fucking until the big-dicked duo explode all over each other's face.

Format: avi
Duration: 59:17
Video: 352x272, XviD, 1462kbps
Audio: 134kbps

File size: 699.1 MB

CFSelect - William Worships Tanner's Ass (9 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:39 PM PST

Studio: CFselect

There's not much more I can say about this video than it involves studly young Tanner getting William's huge cock in his ass. With that alone, you know this one is going to be hot!

William does indeed worship Tanner's ass at the outset, and rightfully so - Tanner has a hot ass! It doesn't take long for Tanner to turn things around, though, and make William's huge cock the focus of his own worshipping. He strokes it, feels how big it is, then quickly wraps his lips around it to start sucking. Soon after, William is pounding Tanner's hole and driving him wild.

If you think Tanner looks hot while getting fucked, and William looks hot while fucking, you absolutely must see this video as each guy is at their best here!

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:44
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 5107kbps
Audio: 101kbps

File size: 906.8 MB

BDSM Video from Hell

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:35 PM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 42 min.
Description: BDSM Video from Hell.See the fresh collection of beautiful slave torture.

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 291.7 MB

Labor Of Love Part 4 (2004)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:33 PM PST

Video language: English

Hornier than ever, lustful women on the prowl for some fresh splooge and hot action from all that are up for some wild fun!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:23:59
Video: 640x480, XviD, 1170kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 805.1 MB

Cute Twink Gets His Raw Ass Stretched To The Max By Dick Casey’s Thick Ramrod!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:31 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

With his cute face and those winsome eyes of his, you'd be forgiven for thinking (if you didn't already know better) that Xander Hollis was the very picture of youthful innocence. How wrong could you possibly be, of course – as becomes all too apparent (for the umpteenth time in his porn career) when the youngster walks into a room to find Dick Casey having a wank.

For instead of turning around on his heels and making the sharpest of exists, Hollis immediately does what all of us dirty-minded fuckers would probably do under the circumstances and falls to his knees in admiration of Casey's rampant love-rod. An act that will appeal to anyone who loves to see filthy-minded twinks getting intimate with hard dick – excuse the pun! Not that a slut of Hollis's calibre is going to be anywhere near remotely satisfied with just a suck. No, he's not gonna have a smile on his face until that thick, uncut cock is planted firmly between his butt-cheeks – an ambition that he soon achieves once the two lads have enjoyed a hardcore session of 69-ing.

Needless to say, the fuck that follows is a terrific set-piece of man-on-man fornication; with Hollis banged raw in every position, before literally squirting like a fountain in pleasure. An act that just leaves time for Casey to spray Hollis's mouth with the contents of his tight, manly balls!

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:46
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1948kbps
Audio: 91kbps

File size: 326.1 MB

Kellan Lane & Caleb Reece

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:30 PM PST

Kellan and Caleb start off this steamy session with some hot kisses, and they can barely keep their hands off each other long enough to get undressed! But once the clothes come off, Kellan's wet mouth is on Caleb's hard dick! He works Caleb's cock like a pro, using both his hand and mouth as he strokes his shaft and takes Caleb's nuts in his mouth. Caleb is eager to return the pleasure, and he goes down on Kellan, deepthroating Kellan's huge dick and licking his balls. But these two are just getting warmed up! Caleb's in for a treat as he kneels on the bed and Kellan spreads his ass open, giving him a rim job as he strokes his rock hard cock. After licking his ass and getting it good and wet, Kellan lubes up his dick and sticks it in Caleb's waiting ass! He pounds him hard as Caleb moans, stroking his own cock as Kellan fucks him. They switch positions as Caleb lays on his back, Kellan kneeling above him as he shoves his dick back inside. He pounds him hard and fast as Caleb works his own dick. These two get on their side next and Kellan fucks him like that, holding up Caleb's leg and sucking on his hard nipple as he pulls his cock in and out. It's not long before the pleasure builds up and Caleb releases his cum, shooting it all over his stomach as Kellan fucks him. It's Kellan's turn next and he pulls out of Caleb's tight ass and works his cock, jerking it until he busts a nut on top of Caleb!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:36
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1771kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 320.2 MB

Gayce Avenue - Shiny Guy 1 - Sakuya Kanzaki

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:26 PM PST

See these hotties for the first time--before just some of these guys become new adult stars.

Format: mp4
Duration: 2:00:47
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2160kbps
Audio: 97kbps

File size: 2.0 GB

Tim & Paco

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:23 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Big Dick, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Hairy, Kissing, Latinos, Masturbation, Muscles, Piersing, Red-Haired, Tattoos, Uncut

A superhot new man on Timtales. We met Paco when we visited Rome, just a few weeks ago. When we talked to him he mentioned that he is interested in making a shoot with us so we did not hesitate and brought him over. Paco is very young, but he already has a wonderful fur and body, which makes him the perfect hairy musclebear. And he loves sex, you will see that in this debut video.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:20
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2951kbps
Audio: 162kbps

File size: 670.5 MB

Little Puppy

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:22 PM PST

Cast: Romana

Romana can be such a serious little puppy, acting tough and untouchable. But when we finally convince her to drop aside her black attire and play with a nice, big dildo, that serious attitude swiftly melts, giving place to a pleasured smile. The tuff cutie soon turns into a purring kitten while she fucks her wet pussy and tight ass with the toy.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:56
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2733kbps
Audio: 170kbps

File size: 424.7 MB

NakedSword - Dream Team, Episode 3: Christian Wilde & Duncan Black

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:19 PM PST

Lou Reed wasn't the only one who liked to walk on the wild side. In the sleek third installment of NakedSword Original's fashion-focused Dream Team series, boy-next-door Duncan Black gets paired for a shoot with down-and-dirty Christian Wilde. It's prep meets punk, uptown goes downtown, hipster hits the Hamptons. Opposites, as they say, attract — and Christian rotates around Duncan like he's got gravitational pull. He's got that raw sex appeal, and Christian pounds his alabaster ass in every position he can think of. You can't wipe the grin from Duncan's face and why the hell would you want to — aren't you supposed to smile for the camera?

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:04
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1594kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 341.5 MB

Repair Guy Brings His Tool

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:16 PM PST

Cast: Naughty Alysha
Genres: allsex, anal, toys, fisting
Video language: English

After the guy I met at the pool left (last week's update), the room was blazing hot. Adam went to the store to get some water for me, and while he was gone I called to have someone come up and check the AC for me. The repair guy that came up was a young,...

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:43
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 2924kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 480.9 MB

Anally Greedy (2013) WEB-DL

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:16 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Evil Angel
Cast: Alby Rydes, Dianna Dee, Veruca James, Yasmine de Leon
Genres: Gonzo, Anal

Ass-obsessive director Mike Adriano knows all about sexual avarice. Over the years, this hardworking and well-hung pornographer has made it a personal mission to minister to insatiably cock-hungry anal sluts, the kind that simply demand more than their fair share of rectal reaming. Mike's "Anally Greedy" is nearly three hours of backdoor fun with girls

Total size: 2.4 GB in 4 files.

The big pledge Mess-Up!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:15 PM PST

Release Year: 2012
Video language: English

Okay, so this week we got a rather interesting submission. The pledges in this frat had to clean the entire frat house after a party and wait on the brothers hand and foot. These frat brothers didn't give a shit and went all out with their pledges. One poor dude fucked up and spilled some drinks on the brothers female prospects and pissed them off so they left. This really pissed the brotjers off do they made the unlucky pledge suck and fuck them all. This poor pledge had to suck thier brothers dicks. He even ended up getting tag teamed by the brothers!

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:39
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 328.2 MB

WilliamHiggins - Jan Faust and Marc Harer

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:12 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: WilliamHiggins
Cast: Jan Faust and Marc Harer
Genres: Oral, Anal Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Facial, Cumshots

Marc Harer was very keen to have a screentest, so we paired him with the lovely Jan Faust. We find them on the bed, with Jan interviewing Marc. Then they start to kiss each other and they reach over to have a feel as well. Almost immediately they are wanking each other and Marc then goes down on Jan's cock and starts to suck. Jan's cock responds and gets rock hard. He removes his pants and Marc goes right back down on that big cock. As he sucks he is on his knees, giving a great view of his hot ass. Jan reaches for Marc's cock and wanks it, as we get to see that hot ass hole. Marc's cock is getting hard under Jan's touch, and his balls have tightened nicely.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 26:00
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2502kbps
Audio: 97kbps

File size: 496.0 MB

Cylus Kohen & Ray Dalton

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:12 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bareback, Oral, Anal Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Facial, Cumshots

Ray's face is buried deep into Cy's ass cheeks as he devours his twitching crack. Cy's bubble butt is perched up in the air. He shakes and quivers as Ray's raspy tongue gets his pulsing hole ready for raw cock--This is the hot sequence to open the scene and it only gets better from there--The sexual tension builds as does the role for dominance in the bedroom.

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:10
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1946kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 428.5 MB

Double scat for perverts

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:05 PM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: Scat, Piss, Vomit, Human Toilet, Shit Eating
Studio: Dirty Timo
Country: Deutschland
Time: 14 min
Starring: Beautiful Girls
Description: Double scat for perverts. Beautiful pussy in the shit. Group scat sex for true connoisseurs of the genre. A lot of shit and sex

Video: Windows Media VC-1 25.000 fps 1 539 Kbps 640x480
Audio: WMA 44.1 KHz 128 Kbps 2 channels

File size: 149.8 MB

Laura Palmer Second bukkake (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:03 PM PST

Video language: English

Continuation of the first exciting part - sucks already have three men, and they end up on her face

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 33:42
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2734kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 715.5 MB

Martin Lasota & Fanda Nevim

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST

Martin Lasota is taking advantage of the cool weather by sitting at his window sill with a good book. The only problem is that he's horny and wishing a friend would pop by for a raw fuck to break in his new apartment. Lucky for him, Fanda Nevim comes by. He whistles for attention and Martin waves him up for a visit. But once Fanda is upstairs, the casual visits turns into a heavy make-out and dick sucking session. After a while, Fanda flips Martin onto his back, legs up in the air, and kneels before the hot, smooth ass. He buries his tongue in Martin's hole, priming, fingering, and stretching. Once he's ready, Fanda slides home, balls deep. Raw. The only way he'll take a hole. Which is fine by Martin because it's the only way he likes to get fucked. After practically pounding Martin into the floor, Fanda delivers a thick and heavy cum facial before taking Martin's load on the chin. And instead of ending with a sticky kiss, Fanda and Martin lap up the others cum from each others face. Hmmm. Bet you're smacking your lips right about now, huh?

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:04
Video: 720x540, AVC (H.264), 1951kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 232.2 MB

A Little Romance

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST

Release Year: 1986
Studio: Hollywood Video
Genres: Classic
Video language: English

Office politics have never been so much fun as in this white-hot romp. The action begins with Penny Morgan and Tom Byron, a loving couple whose sultry sex life is given a jolt by a magazine sex quiz. They end up bickering so much that Tom has to go stay in a hotel! Penny soothes her hurt feelings by talking with her fellow secretaries, then by taking on her boss Ron Jeremy in an eye-popping office encounter. Meanwhile, Tom's busy welcoming luscious Tanya Foxx into his room for an afternoon of erotic delights. They both end up feeling guilty about their extracurricular carnality, and get back together in a head-spinning finale. A romance-tinged feature that delivers plenty of hot and heavy action.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:27:34
Video: 624x464, XviD, 1146kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 824.2 MB

My Imouto Miorin boku no imouto miorin Super HD-Quality 3D 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:59 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Oral, Straight, Creampie, Small tits
Video language: English

Mommy and daddy are away on holiday.Big brother has come to play in Miorin's bedroom...Her body is starting to develop and he's in spring heat.She's embarrassed but thrilled to show him her small breasts.She loves big brother. She has a request for him...

Format: mkv (Matroska)
Duration: 14:47
Video: 800x600, AVC (H.264)

File size: 120.5 MB

Eric Fucks Russo

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:58 PM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Felix Russo is an insatiable twink bottom who's happy to welcome hung newbie Eric Blaine into more than just the bedroom. Eric rips off the cute slut boys clothes to find a sexy jock strap he enjoys pulling on and snapping against Felix's skin. Felix can't wait to get his lips around Eric's thick pole. He slurps and deep throats Eric's cock getting it nice and juicy before sticking it into his hungry hole. Felix rides Eric for a bit, stretching his ass open for some harder pounding. Eric bends him over and slams the twink's bottom like a dog, but both boys seem to prefer the "reverse cow boy" fucking. Eric hits Felix's Twink spot which sends his cock spurting a big load of jizz, that drips all the way down to his balls.

CFselect - Duncan Drills Dawson (2012)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:58 PM PST

Studio: CFselect

New freshman Duncan's popularity continues to skyrocket - and after he fucks CF legend, Dawson, there's no doubt it will reach new heights!
Duncan's hesitation at guy / guy action has disappeared. Dawson kisses, sucks and eats out Duncan - all of which drive the freshman wild. Duncan plunges into Dawson's tight hole and fucks the muscular bodybuilder every way he can. Dawson enjoys every inch thoroughly - especially when Duncan drills him hard, making Dawson blast his load onto his ripped abs.
Duncan pounds Dawson until he cums all over Dawson's ass, then finishes Dawson off with a creampie.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:46
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3350kbps
Audio: 106kbps

File size: 551.8 MB

Perky & Often

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:52 PM PST

Cast: Sasha Cane

Sasha Cane is here with a great pre-boobjob vide and those who prefer natural tits, will appreciate her beauty even before the enhancement took place. Sasha has a rockin' body and she was even rocking a nicely trimmed pussy, which looks pretty damn inviting. Sasha goes banana's on herself and really achieves a stunning orgasm! Great stuff from Ms. Cane.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 13:13
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3963kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 397.0 MB

Cazzoni Mostruosi

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:46 PM PST

Cast: Unknown
Genres: Shemale, Transsexual, All Sex
Video language: English

If you want your chick to come with a little something extra down below, we have the Perfect Tgirls for you.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:37:29
Video: 720x464, Windows Media Video 9, 1800kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Don't Fight It Kid (1988)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:42 PM PST

Release Year: 1988
Cast: Uncredited
Genres: Classic Muscles Anal Pre-Condom

Description: Big, beefy bodies and muscles are featured in this collection of four shorts by director John Travis. Although film-to-video transfer leaves parts of the segments grainy and dark, the overall action more than makes up for it! Right away, sir! Features an older, hairy and macho "daddy" with a younger man. These two navy studs, both with big dicks, relieve one another by concentrating on oral sex (both cock and ass sucking) and mutually masturbating. Inhibition is not seen here!

Format: MPEG
Duration: 57:10
Video: 640x480, MPEG-1, 1125kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 567.1 MB

JD Phoenix & Jett Black

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:40 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Outdoors, Piersing, Romance, Rimming, Tattoos, Twink

JD Phoenix and Jett Black are two of our newest CockyBoys, so you know they've got a lot of sexual energy pent up inside them. So far, we've seen Jett get fucked by established studs Arnaud Chagall and Gabriel Clark, but now he gets to be pounded by JD... a guy who has only released one hot public jerk-off scene with us and nothing else. Jett's the type of guy who is so fearless and outgoing with his sexuality that it tends to throw you off balance. And even though JD's new, he too could not withstand the indescribable allure of Jett's charm. He was already jerking off on the bed as he waited for Jett to get out of the shower, and once the two were together, their lips were immediately locked.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:49
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2917kbps
Audio: 126kbps

File size: 554.3 MB

TimTales - Peter Axel and Greg York

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:39 PM PST

You like it nasty? Then you will love these two bareback musclepigs from California.
Real life couple Peter Axel and Greg York know how to have fun. They fucked each other´s brains out and didn´t stop until they were both covered in sweat and cum.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 26:05
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2245kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 461.9 MB

Fully Clothed Party Pissing

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:36 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Blouses, Fullyclothed Sex, Pissing, Hardcore
Video language: English

These three Eurobabes and two horny dudes really don't ever need an excuse to start party fucking, but when they're all looking super stylish in their blouses and stockings and they've got a steady supply of champagne under their party tent, it's a no brainer that this is gonna turn into one pussy pounding fivesome! Tatiana Milovani and her hotty friends are ready for action, and whatever it is they're really supposed ot be celebrating is of no importance when they can celebrate the clitoral satisfaction of their fashionable, satin loving selves! These guys are on the job, going between these freaks like the sluts they are, showing us that even the classiest of babes on the surface has no problem with some party sex loving! This party crew goes hard until they can take no more, with two of the babes pulling their panties aside and getting a nice nut busted all over their pounded raw pussies! Now that's a fucking party we can get down with, but this party ain't over yet, as there's plenty of piss for all, with guys and girls both pissing all over the place, with one lucky chick taking the bulk of it! When champagne goes in piss must come out!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:11
Video: 720x540, AVC (H.264), 2030kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 451.8 MB

Tied naked and made to crawl across the floor, trained with a whip

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:35 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Video language: English

Vincent's training requires a harsh lesson in subservience. He's bound uncomfortably so his legs and arms are severely restricted. The school boy is made to follow a cruel game. Magnets are attached to his perky nipples and his droopy foreskin. He must crawl painfully on his bare knees across the floor collecting bits of metal bending down at each stop and inadvertently splaying wide his big meaty arse to show off his hole. Every inch he moves drives into his thick skull the awareness that he now exists below other men. All the while he's whipped like a beast and given stern verbal orders by his captor. When he's on his side Adrian takes the opportunity to shove a vibrating dildo up his tight arse, fucking him deeply. The humiliation is heightened as he's made to attach bells to his nipples and ordered to shake them or receive a further caning. The muscular young stud's body bristles red with anger and painful welts which are growing as his punishment intensifies. Failing to satisfy Adrian the vibrator is firmly inserted up his rectum and tied there so his insides are constantly being stimulated as he lies on the floor panting and exhausted.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 13:03
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2722kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 266.9 MB

Cute girl next door with Daddy issues, get severely bound, brutally deep throated. Multiple orgasms!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:35 PM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Kink: Hogtied
Cast: Ashli Orion

Welcome Ashil Orion to Hogtied. This cute girl comes with a hot, sexy body and some Daddy issues. There is nothing sexier on the planet than a hot nymphomaniac with daddy issues.

You have to love the first timers. They don't know what to expect, how to act, or what to say. They can't yet grasp what "helpless" really means. The fun part is watching for that moment. That one moment when the girl realizes this is all too real, that this guy isn't joking around. They finally understand that there is nothing they can do, no way to get free and no way Daddy is going to let up on them.

They go into survival mode. They endure what ever they need to, unable to stop the orgasms, unable to prevent themselves from being turned into a object of helpless sexuality. It's the rabbit hole and they fell down it, hard and fast. There's no getting out until Daddy decides he is done with you. Take it, enjoy it, because you have no other choice. That is what "helpless" is.

Unpredictable machine.

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:35 PM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Duration: 48 min
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Actresses: Cool girls
Description:Unpredictable machine. Katharine Cane has a limited tolerance for pain, just like anyone else. PD, however, has an unlimited capacity for inflicting it. Every aspect of his day is tuned toward finding new and interesting ways to make bitches like her suffer. His first trick today? A simple gas mask with a couple of unique modifications that leave Katharine gasping for air and getting nothing but nicotine. He has to be careful not to wear her out too quickly, though. She still has time in the fuck-frame and the cage coming to her. PD planned a full day and there is no way Katharine is getting away easy.

Video: Windows Media Video File 1280x720 1500 Kbps
Audio: Cooker 44.1 KHz 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kbps

File size: 703.9 MB

Laura Palmer 1st bukkake (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:33 PM PST

Video language: English

The girl does a great job - sucks two men, and they end up on her face

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 27:41
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2734kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 587.4 MB

Jeremy Stevens & Connor Maguire

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:30 PM PST

Like the poles of attracting magnets, Jeremy Stevens' cock points up and Connor Maguire's cock points down. Jeremy has only the barest scattering of body hair while Connor's chest hair is long enough to yank. They are equally matched in lust, flicking tongues and nipples until Connor sits and inhales Jeremy's cock. He swallows Jeremy's swift sword with ease and skill, his broad shoulders showing off a nice bit of pectoral cleavage that glistens from the saliva dripping off his lips. When they trade positions, Jeremy curls his arm around Connor's flanks to narrow the distance between cock and mouth. It's a tossup who will top, but Connor's the one. Jeremy kneels and looks over his shoulder as Connor plows away at his hole. They roll onto a mat, like wrestlers, and Jeremy lies spread-eagled while Connor goes the distance on his stretched hole. Jeremy's eyes roll back into his head as he shoots across his torso and Connor shoots across his face, his cum mingling with Jeremy's sweat.

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:17
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4645kbps
Audio: 146kbps

File size: 959.1 MB

Gayce Avenue - G-men 2013-02

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:26 PM PST

Join these macho studs as they take things into their own hands. There's nothing like a personal touch to make you cum hard and fierce.

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:07:57
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2524kbps
Audio: 92kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Babe In The Mirror

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:22 PM PST

Cast: Blue Angel

Blue Angel is just about to jump in the shower when she was suddenly distracted by an immense beauty. That beauty just so happened to be her reflection in the mirror, staring right back at her. We can't really blame Blue Angel for getting excited over herself, let's face it, this girl is HOT. Such a great perky, natural rack on this babe. Little miss Angel gets so turned on and her pussy get so hot and wet that she needs to run cold water all over it right in the middle of things!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 14:43
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3951kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 440.5 MB

David Ryder

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:18 PM PST

Studio: Next Door Male

David Ryder is an extreme case originally from the south. Whether it is cycling 30 miles a day, skydiving or just hanging at the gym, if it gets his blood pumping, he's into it, and he's got the body to show for his hard work. Ripped and shredded with nary an ounce of fat on him, he's also got a fearless curiosity that allows him to experiment and expand his horizons without reservation. It's this trait that brings him here, where he has no inhibitions about his body. And why would he? Peeling out of his shorts, he shows his rippled abs and his long lean legs, but it's his hard cock that garners the most attention. Bending over, he pushes his cock between his legs as he maneuvers around the cot he's reclined on, before lubing it up and stroking it down, then exploding his load all over the sheets.

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:45
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4670kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 592.2 MB

BD - Drake Jaden & Matt Stevens (18 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:17 PM PST

Studio: ButchDixon

Drake enjoys a quiet afternoon snack at home and it quickly turns into an "afternoon delight" when Matt, his favorite muscle daddy bear, stops by for a tasty treat. Both of these mouthwatering studs are super hairy and bulging with hard muscles and big rigid cocks. It doesn't take long and these buff buddies are chowing down on each other's rock hard dicks. Matt then makes a meal out of Drake's delicious ass. With Drake's ass lubed-up with his spit, Matt bends him over the kitchen counter and slides his cock into the hilt. But Matt wants his hairy ass filled with cock too and Drake is happy to oblige.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:54
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4882kbps
Audio: 250kbps

File size: 786.3 MB


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:16 PM PST

Cast: Fer
Genres: Transsex, SheMale, Masturbation, Solo
Video language: English

This sexy, big-assed T-girl is ready to have some fun. She wants her huge cock deep throated, and she wants her asshole reamed.

Format: mp4
Duration: 12:33
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4877kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 459.9 MB

PainGate - Inacceptable Flirt

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:15 PM PST

Release Year: 2013

The young beauty takes every chance to flirt with other men besides her boy-friend.And now sweet Xenia get's what she deservers: a harsh corporal punishment.Bend over a whipping bench the young girl has to present her beautiful naked bottom to the singletail and dog-whip. Her boy-friend has every reason to give her a harsh trashing but he doesn't hit Xenia hard enough, maybe he loves his girl too much, MACHINE thinks. The main PainGate punisher shows how to whip right. Soon thick welts are rising on the silk skin and a lot of tears are flowing. It needs a full dose of lashes till Xenia will learn her lesson!..

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 14:15
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9, 1460kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 169.5 MB

QX Men 87

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:15 PM PST

Release Year: 2013

Country: UK
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 64

Description: Beautiful men's magazine in October 2003, will delight new articles and incendiary facsimiles. Download and enjoy!

File size: 11.7 MB

GuysGoneBi - Sean Pumps Philip and Danielle

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:12 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: GuysGoneBi
Cast: Sean , Philip & Danielle
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot

Sean and Philip play with Danielle by the pool. Blonde vixen Danielle is stoked to be in the middle of two hot guys. She kisses Philip, then Sean while all three get their clothes off.

The guys kiss her tits, and then kiss each other. That turns Danielle on even more, to see these studs making out! She eagerly licks both their cocks. Then Danielle puts both dicks in her mouth, wanting to suck them at the same time.

Philip fucks her mouth as Sean encourages them. Sean eats Danielle out, rubbing her tits. Philip blows Sean and strokes his own cock. Philip slides his tongue up and down Sean's shaft, and then licks his nuts.

Danielle whimpers as Sean's tongue drives her wild. He stuffs his cock into her and pumps it hard. Philip jerks his cock as he watches Sean fuck Danielle.

Philip stands up and feeds Sean his cock while Sean pounds Danielle. Sean lays on his back and pulls Danielle up to ride on his cock. Philip feels Sean's nuts as Sean stuffs Danielle's pussy. Judging by the way Danielle is yelping, she's loving the feel of Sean's cock.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:12
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4961kbps
Audio: 107kbps

File size: 750.5 MB

TG - Slave Angel 03

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:09 PM PST

Genres: BDSM, Extreme, SM, Needle Pain, Extreme Tit Torture, Pussy Torture, Ass Torture, Elektro, Bondage, Spanking, Punishment, Bizarre
Video language: English

Christine Thunder's great BDSM site. Nettle torture, piercing/needle play, and indoor fetish scenes

Format: avi
Duration: 47:24
Video: 400x300, DivX 5, 685kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 293.0 MB

Blonde in a cruel BDSM

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:05 PM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 37 min.
Description: Blonde in a cruel BDSM.Hardcore BDSM for true connoisseurs. You see what has never been seen before.

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 211.6 MB

Roxy kyin the kitchen

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:03 PM PST

Video language: English

Roxy Raye, a young, extreme girl from Florida who likes to have a good time while getting as extreme as I can. You guys are in for a real treat, as you'll see some of the nastiest (and sexiest) content anywhere on the internet... right here! From gaping my asshole wide open to listening to the gagging sounds as the camera gets real close as I deep throat a big dildo, from using large dildos on myself to fisting my asshole and pretty pink pussy, you'll get it all here! Odd objects, prolapsing, squirting & lots more are all right here!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 24:15
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2434kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 456.6 MB

Dark Haired Beauties Suck, Rim & Fuck Like A Pair Of Prime Sluts!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:01 PM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

There's always a lot of fuss surrounding blonds and about how hot and sexy they can be, but we defy anyone not to be completely blown away by these two handsome dark-haired beauties. Marc Sage is the thicker-lipped of the pairing, Randy Faulkner being slightly finer featured (but by no means no less attractive in any way); and by the time they've each pulled away their underwear whilst smooching together on the couch, we reckon there's every possibility that you'll be head-over-heels in lust with them both! And why shouldn't you be?

These lads are prime sex-gods at their very zenith, and you only have to watch Sage slurping away on Faulkner's ramrod with those engorged lips of his to know that both of these boys have a great future ahead of them in porn if they so choose.

If anything it's Sage – the more experienced of the coupling – who shifts the gears, so to speak; but that remark should take nothing away from Faulkner, who gives his pal's ass a hearty rimming and who eases his dick into Sage like a real pro.

No surprise that he's soon spewing the entire contents of his nut-sac over Faulkner's chin – a feisty spunk-fest that'll have you jerking off in no time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 17:47
Video: 720x404, AVC (H.264), 1943kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 273.9 MB

Aiden Pounds Marc

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:00 PM PST

Marc and Aiden have been in a couple of videos together, but Aiden's never gotten the chance to fuck Marc. It's also been a long time since Marc's bottomed for anyone – so both guys are excited for Aident to put his muscle behind his big cock and break Marc back in. The guys kiss and lick each others' muscular chests and abs, and then blow each other.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:14
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4981kbps
Audio: 106kbps

File size: 941.1 MB

TimTales - Fosster Riviera fucks David Avila

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:59 AM PST

It seems you all enjoyed Fostters first appearence on Timtales because you asked us to bring this sexy and hung bareback fucker back as soon as possible.
So here he is and this time he takes care of David Avila´s muscleass and makes sure he gets a good fuck and a big load up his hole at the end.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:52
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2872kbps
Audio: 183kbps

File size: 467.7 MB

Meet Kip Ryker

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:57 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Solo, Tattoos, Cumshot

Meet Kip Ryker, the bad boy you admire from a distance with a lot of stories to tell. You want to get inside his head, but Kip's the type of guy who expresses himself through actions. He had no problem getting naked right away and we certainly didn't stop him.

Format: mp4
Duration: 9:28
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2925kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 211.9 MB

Jeff Spanks Rae

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:55 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Christian Rae thinks he's in the clear until Jeff Sterne bends him over his knee and puts the spank on. Jeff swats the smile right off of Christian's cute young face. Starring: Jeff Sterne, Christian Rae

Tied and gagged, arse paddled, evil suck or spank game

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:55 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Video language: English

Hunky jock boy Vincent should know better than to act like a smart-arse, but the enraged straight lad still mouths off disrespectfully to his captor. Tied over the very same desk he spends hours at doing his homework he wears nothing but a near-transparent pair of tight white pants. Adrian silences his filthy mouth by gagging him and slices off his pants leaving him completely exposed to anyone who looks up in his window. What begins as a light firm paddling on the muscular twin globes of his arse cheeks turns into a hard vicious whacking session that leaves his bottom bright red. Vincent is assured that he still has free will when he's given an option. He can either suck Dave's hard cock or else get an even harder spanking to his bottom. Now humble he reluctantly swallows the man's stiff prick. While concentrating on giving good head so as not to get any more whacks, he's surprised by having a dick shoved up his arsehole. The men take turns fucking the athletic straight boy. When cum is dribbling down his bright pink lips the beleaguered boy wishes he'd stuck to doing his geometry homework rather than answering the door to strange men.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 17:20
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2173kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 284.8 MB

You Are About To Get A Ticket

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:52 AM PST

Cast: Krystal Webb

Krystal Webb is dressed up as a Bobbie and she's about to write you a ticket. If we were you, we'd be on our best behaviour, because Krystal will not hesitate to set you straight. After she writes the ticket, she begins to feel a bit guilty and decides to make it up to you in the best way she knows how. To strip and entertain you with her girly goods. This is Krystal's first video for Stunners and it's a doozie.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 18:37
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3937kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 555.3 MB

ElitePain Torture - DrLomp - Lomp's Court - Case 2 (HD, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:51 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: ElitePain / Dr.Lomp
Cast: Dr.Lomp, pretty slave girls
Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Spanking, Caning, Whipping, Nipple Torture
Video language: English

Dr. Lomp knows a lot about BDSM torture. He is able to bring the young beautiful girls to the screams and moans with a variety of torture devices, ropes, sticks, whips, clothespins. His films are full of bloody scenes. Whips leaves red welts on the delicate female skin, ropes bind tight hands and feet, clamps strongly pull out tender pussy lips - you'll see the whole set of BDSM torture.

Mr. Lomp's private court is open for trials. For taking a case before Lomp's Court both the victim and the offender can go through the process quite swiftly, and can avoid jail. But there is one catch. If Mr. Lomp finds the offender guilty, the sentence is quite painful. But if the accusation is false then the other party must endure the pain. In this case Mr. Lomp find that for the benefit of both girls they must suffer together.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 38:45
Video: 1024x576, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 449.1 MB

Ladyboy Lust 7

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:46 AM PST

Cast: Kitty, Nina, Gif, Lucky
Genres: Ladyboy, Transsexual, Hardcore, Anal, Bareback
Video language: English

Transsexuals, transsexuals, and yes, more transsexuals star in Ladyboy Lust Vol. 7. Make no doubts about it, these Ladyboy's strike a pose as good if not better than their female counter parts, and they're built to take a dick straight up their tight assholes.

Format: avi
Duration: 2:52:57
Video: 720x400, XviD, 1908kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 2.5 GB

Erotikus (1978)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:42 AM PST

Release Year: 1978
Cast: Casey Donovan Monty Hanson Poco Allen Sky Kink Fred Halsted Larry Danser D.C. Michaels Ruffin Tumble Ed Fury Myona Phetish
Genres: Classic Anal Pre-Condom

Description: EROTIKUS is not entirely serious, but none the less accurate effort to document the history of the Gay movie, from it's innocent, softer-than-soft core beginning up to it's present day development. Using excerpts from eleven of its best 16mm gay erotica films ever made, plus scenes from some of the earliest underground and mail order 8mm films, the naked narrator, Fred Halsted, guides the viewer through decades of all male erotica. But EROTIKUS is hardly one of those dry, boring documentaries with too much talk and not enough action. Frame for frame, it contains MORE SEX than ANY other gay film in release. By its nature it presents only the best of the best, the "crème de la crème".

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:30:31
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1199kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 906.5 MB

BP - Ashley Ryder,Leonardo & Jenson Lomax Part 2 (9 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:36 AM PST

Studio: BulldogPit

In Part 2 of 2, the action continues with sex pigs Jenson Lomax, his boyfriend Leonardo, and Ashley Ryder manning the biggest dildo we've ever seen! He works almost the entire thing up Leonardo's more than willing hole before giving up his own ass for some intense ass stretching: fisting! Don't miss the continuing nastiness as Ashley takes not one, but TWO fists up his incredibly hungry hole, then guzzles down two loads of jizz pumped fresh into his mouth before firing off a load of his own.

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:30
Video: 720x540, AVC (H.264), 1958kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 239.8 MB

Perverse Pissparty 1

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:36 AM PST

Release Year: 2008
Genres: Peeing, Pissing, German, Fetish, Extreme, Young & mature, Group
Video language: English

beautiful slender girl fuck with great anal take fountains of golden rain on the body and in the mouth and do not pee against a partner or girlfriend.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:31:45
Video: 640x360, DivX 5, 1095kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 775.3 MB

Amateur scat.

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:35 AM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: Scat, Piss, Vomit, Human Toilet, Shit Eating
Studio: Dirty Timo
Country: Deutschland
Time: 12 min
Starring: Beautiful Girls
Description: Beauty loves to scat. It will show you my shit.

Video: Windows Media VC-1 25.000 fps 1 539 Kbps 640x480
Audio: WMA 44.1 KHz 128 Kbps 2 channels

File size: 119.3 MB

Roxy Duplicate Double Penetration

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:33 AM PST

Video language: English

Roxy Raye, a young, extreme girl from Florida who likes to have a good time while getting as extreme as I can. You guys are in for a real treat, as you'll see some of the nastiest (and sexiest) content anywhere on the internet... right here! From gaping my asshole wide open to listening to the gagging sounds as the camera gets real close as I deep throat a big dildo, from using large dildos on myself to fisting my asshole and pretty pink pussy, you'll get it all here! Odd objects, prolapsing, squirting & lots more are all right here!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 17:58
Video: 960x528, Windows Media Video 9, 2434kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 338.5 MB


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:33 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Solo, Masturbation, Muscle

Bobby is one smart dude who is taking his aerospace engineering degree right now. Beside having the brains, Bobby has a long and suckilicious cock and fat round balls to go with it.

Format: mp4
Duration: 12:35
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4641kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 432.7 MB

Chase Jerks Off

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST

Release Year: 2010
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Meet newbie Chase Tyler. This blonde twink shows us that he's a great edition to 8teenboy in this solo scene. Chase came ready to "work" today wearing a neon yellow and black jock strap that he removes to reveal a tight smooth body and nicely sized, hard prick. As he warms up to our cameras, he starts to really get into stroking, then gets on his hands and knees to show us off a perfect pink boy hole. Chase is definitely a "grower" as he strokes his big flesh toy until a he shoots a hot jizz shot on his sexy stomach.

Spencer Fox & Jed Athens

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST

Exuberance zips into overdrive as sexy Spencer Fox gets it on with rock solid Jed Athens. Their hot kissing session steams up the picture window next to the oversize tub that's home to their high spirited sport fuck. Spencer worships Jed's meat and savors his lengthy shaft and tight balls. His cock couldn't be harder with anticipation as he settles his granite ass down on Jed's cock. He rides so hard in that sweet saddle you'd think his steely pipe would crack clear off. Before that can happen, Spencer and Jed switch their roles, and Spencer shows what his strapping dick can do when it's welcomed up a eager hole like Jed's. It's so intense the tightly clasped pair launch a mutual jack-off that lets their cream erupt.

Format: mp4
Duration: 26:57
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4612kbps
Audio: 145kbps

File size: 940.6 MB

Cell Block P Part One

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST

Studio: Infernal Restraints
Cast: Pinky
Genres: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture
Video language: English

Flexible Pinky gets long term restraint when she's locked in the Fiddle and anchored to a very short post. A twin shackle pins her ankles together. A big fat ass hook keeps her properly displayed for spanking and flogging. With stunning pale eyes and skin, Pinky is eventually immobilized in metal. She sucks Pogo cock and gets fucked. Pinky comes twice then begs for it to stop, her pale eyes wide. Pleading

Format: real
Duration: 36:46
Video: 640x480, RV40
Audio: 94kbps

File size: 119.1 MB

Gayce Avenue - Black Athlete 4

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:26 AM PST

Come one, come all to see the amazing boys with huge cocks captured on film! Tons of cock sucking, ass licking, ass fucking and of course, all the cumshots you want!

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:55:11
Video: 352x240, MPEG-1, 1123kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Hot sex with Erik & Joey, Part 2-10 (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:22 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Erik, Joey
Genres: Anal

Horny buds suck down load of cock! First stud pounds the fuck out of friend's tight hole and Cums all over his bud's ass! He then jacks off friend with splatters of Cum!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 17:15
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1348kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 194.1 MB

Let's Stay In

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:22 AM PST

Cast: Lexi Marie

Lexi and her boy are on vacation. So tired, they decided to stay in and to rest a bit because they have to drive back home later on. So if you are in bed long time, you can only think little dirty as they did in this scene.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 27:56
Video: 768x432, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 478.5 MB

Bruno Fox & Jake Bolton

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:20 AM PST

Studio: AlphaMales

Jake clumsily knocks a glass of water on his boss and flustered, he tries to fix his mistake, patting his boss thighs dry. Bruno is angry at first but, aware of the hand so close to his cock, decides to punish Jake in a different manner. He will enjoy fucking the clumsy man. They kiss but soon Jake is pushed down and Bruno's thick cock is showed down his throat. Bruno face fucks him hard and deep, then sucks him a bit before pushing him down on the desk and rolling his legs high to have good access to his ass. He rims him deep then fucks him there before pulling him up, pushing him against the wall and fucking him again, harder, until he is ready to explode. Bruno pushes him down on his own chair and comes on his face and chest. Jake shoots nearly at the same time on his own furry stomach.

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:26
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1935kbps
Audio: 63kbps

File size: 241.5 MB

R modoki Super HD-Quality 3D 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:19 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Big breasts, Toys, School, Mature, Tsundere, Socks, Bleach
Video language: English

Faye - the daughter of a wealthy landowner. Sofia - her maid. John - a childhood friend, a pupil of her father. Three of them associated tender feelings, because Sophia and John adore Miss Faye, and she's in love with "brother" and unusually attached to the maid.

Format: avi
Duration: 13:21
Video: 720x486, XviD, 2736kbps
Audio: 1378kbps

File size: 402.9 MB

TimTales - Fostter Riviera fucks Italo - Bareback Hardfuck

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:19 AM PST

The debut video of our new man Fostter Riviera.If you like big bareback cock on a young man you find what you like in this update. Fostter gives to Italo, our always ready, insatiable power bottom. A pairing that really worked perfect.Fostter got so turned on by Italo´s fantastic ass that he came three times within just a few minutes.
That man knows how to fuck! Enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:55
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2516kbps
Audio: 257kbps

File size: 506.8 MB

Ladyboy Lust 10

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:16 AM PST

Cast: Lyn, Lilly, Dow, Vikki
Genres: Ladyboy, Transsexual, Hardcore, Anal, Bareback
Video language: English

Volume 10 keeps the ladyBoy Lust series well on top with another 4 stunning ladyBoy's! Dow will make you beg for more! Lilly is simply gorgeous! Add Vikki and Lyn into the fold and it's simply "horny as hell! These Asian ladyboys look so much like real women, they are so hot and authentic that they have what it takes to fool almost any guy out there!

Format: avi
Duration: 3:31:59
Video: 720x400, XviD, 1952kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 3.0 GB

Straight guys tricked

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:15 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Video language: English

This week's Haze winner features a birthday surprise the *** frat gave one of their pledges Brad on his birthday. Brad was surprised while sleeping in his dorm. The brothers came in singing Happy Birthday and told him they had a killer surprise for him -- but he had to be blindfolded first. Brad knew they got him a stripper but what Brad didn't know was the gender of the stripper. The face Brad made when his hand touched Ramon's (the stripper's) cock was priceless! Things got shitty quick for Brad. The brothers began to haze him yelling at him calling him scum and a worthless waste of space, and that the only way he would be allowed to even begin to gain their respect was if he gave Ramon some head and maybe some cock in the butt.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:21
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 245.0 MB

Pierre Fitch Pounds Levi Karter!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:14 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Interview/Conversation, Kissing, Latinos, Masturbation, Muscles, Piersing, Rimming, Tattoos, Twinks

Just as casually as they were chatting about fitness, Levi started sucking on Pierre's cock without a second thought. That's how comfortable these two were around each other, and when you see them in action, they're like two peas in a pod. And they definitely worked well off each other -- Pierre's newly trimmed but still dominating body was the perfect fit for Levi's slightly smaller frame. Pierre might be a vegan now, but that sure doesn't mean he won't devour a nice piece of ass!

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:26
Video: 1280x720, MP4V, 2929kbps
Audio: 103kbps

File size: 432.3 MB

DirtyTony - Caleb Colton Fucks Blake Bjorn

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:12 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: DirtyTony
Cast: Caleb Colton and Blake Bjorn
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot

Blake and Caleb are sitting on the bed talking about sports injuries. Blake is describing a pulled calf muscle and Caleb is ready to sooth his buddy's pain. He begins rubbing Blake's calf, then his outer thigh, then his inner thigh. Pretty soon, Blake is taking off his pants and getting his ass massaged really good. When he flips over, Caleb goes straight for his cock, sucking it down to the base. As Caleb slurps away, Blake is reaching for his cock. Up on his knees, Caleb unbuckles his pants and whips out a stiffy. Blake goes to town on it, sucking every inch down his throat. Caleb spins Blake around and mounts him from behind. Shoving his cock into Blake's velvet hallway, Caleb puts a hand on each ass cheek, guiding his cock into the depths of Blake's hole. After a good plunging from the rear, Blake is ready to roll onto his back and get a good look at the fucker who's taking control of his hole. Then Blake is ready to ride on top. Caleb lays back and let's his buddy do some of the work, still probing deep inside his sphincter. As his balls begin to swell, the jizz starts to boil toward the tip of his cock. Blake opens his mouth wide, hoping to catch every drop. Caleb obliges and shoots several pearly ropes onto Blake's waiting tongue and down his throat.

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:39
Video: 960x540, VP6F, 1800kbps
Audio: 96kbps

File size: 224.7 MB

Pregnant 17

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:06 AM PST

Release Year: 2008
Genres: Pregnant
Video language: German

When pregnant women start to live out their very horniest fantasies there is really nothing that could stop them on their way to intensive orgasms. The Heat of these girls doesn´t know any borders and with a big belly fucking is even hotter than ever before, what you can see in this film.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:32:01
Video: 320x240, XviD, 749kbps
Audio: 120kbps

File size: 594.6 MB

Pig Tits in action

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:05 AM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Duration: 54 min
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Actresses: Cool girls
Description: Pig Tits in action.There is very little in this world more humiliating than being written on. When PD takes his markers to Alexxa Bound he wants everyone who sees her to know what kind of girl she really is. Every one of her features is called out by the remarks scrawled across her and none of them are complimentary. She is a dirty cunt, a worthless whore, a fat ass with pig tits and a mouth just for fucking. She knew these things already. PD obviously knew them, too. But knowing that they are on her, broadcasting her shame to the world is a new low, even for Alexxa. The physical pain is almost inconsequential after that

Video: Windows Media Video File 1280x720 1500 Kbps
Audio: Cooker 44.1 KHz 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kbps

File size: 783.6 MB

Roxy behind the scenes

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:03 AM PST

Video language: English

Roxy Raye, a young, extreme girl from Florida who likes to have a good time while getting as extreme as I can. You guys are in for a real treat, as you'll see some of the nastiest (and sexiest) content anywhere on the internet... right here! From gaping my asshole wide open to listening to the gagging sounds as the camera gets real close as I deep throat a big dildo, from using large dildos on myself to fisting my asshole and pretty pink pussy, you'll get it all here! Odd objects, prolapsing, squirting & lots more are all right here!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 4:10
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2434kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 78.4 MB

A Very Sexy French Gendarme Gets Fucked by a Rascal Boy

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST

I just fucked the slut harder and deeper and made him take it like the slut he was!

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:00
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4893kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 184.9 MB

Boris Orla, Connor Levi (Nov 29, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Gay, Anal, Oral
Video language: English

It's not exactly obvious straightaway as to why Boris Orla is giving Connor Levi a wash-down in the bathtub, but the emergence of a safety razor appears to provide some sort of answer with Orla shaving Levi's pits in a kinky fest of anti-follicle fury. All promptly followed up by the two youngsters hitting the sofa for some more traditional fun, which in this instance involves them both slurping on each other's now straining cocks.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:53
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4878kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 875.6 MB

BSB - Vinnie Steel & Colby Jones (17 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:55 AM PST

Studio: BrokeStraightBoys

Vinnie Steel is back on the BSB chair with the "very broke" Colby Jones. To increase the size of his wallet Mr. Jones will suck Vinnie's steel.
"You're don't have to do anything," Colby says to his scene partner. "You're fucking lucky."
The cameraman turns his attention to Vinnie, wondering how he feels before his first man-on-man action.
"Never had any physical actions with a dude, so I'm kind of pissed," Vinnie says.
Oh, straight boy drama over a simple blow job! LOL! The cameraman is a bit surprised by this answer.
"It's all for the all mighty dollar," Vinnie finally notes.
To get the newbie to calm down, Colby gives him a massage. Both lads lose their shirts. Colby gets behind Vinnie and gently rubs his shoulders and neck. His hands stroke Vinnie's chest. This makes the newbie put his hand on his own crotch. Colby moves his hand down to Vinnie's tool and gently tugs it. Even kisses the stud's nipples and arms. All that scene stress seems to leave Vinnie.
"Suck that dick," he whispers.
Colby gets on his knees and licks up and down Vinnie's rod.
"All the way down," Vinnie orders.
Colby slobbers all over the shaft, tweaking a nipple. He also soaks those nuts with spit. The dude, who was pissed before the scene started, coos encouragement. Colby swallows all Vinnie has, his tonsils tickling the bulbous head. He looks up in Vinnie's face, to make certain everything is going the way it should.
Vinnie pinches his own nipple as Colby slobbers away. The newbie puts his hand to guide Colby, but there's no need. Colby's not going anywhere until there's a sweet sticky surprise.
"Oh, yeah. Beg for it," Vinnie whispers.
Colby's mouth is filled with pre-cum and spit. His soft tongue sticking out. Moans and sucking sounds are all we hear.
Vinnie starts to jerk off, as Colby kisses his thighs and chest. He pays close attention to those perky nipples.
"Yeah, fucking cum," Colby moans.
He keeps his mouth open as Vinnie jerks his pole. Occasionally he'll tongue a nut. This makes Vinnie explode.
"Oh, yeah take this load," Vinnie commands.
The jizz lands on Colby's tongue, lips and chest.
Vinnie is all smiles when it's over. Can't blame him, no?

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:50
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1803kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 271.3 MB

Relax Me

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:52 AM PST

Cast: Celeste

There's a distinction in the world of online erotica between "art" and "porn". Art is supposedly appreciated by the higher senses, savored for its form and composition, its beautiful figures and elegant poses, and viewed from a critical distance. Porn is supposed to be relished by the lower senses, used for immediate gratification, and viewed as closely and uncritically as possible. And never the two shall meet.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 10:58
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3500kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 287.3 MB


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:46 AM PST

Cast: Sol
Genres: Transsex, SheMale, Masturbation, Solo
Video language: English

Enjoy as this shemale shows off her hot body in the sexiest stripteases! But that's not all... after she is naked she is going to be ready for some hard fucking!

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:04
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4877kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 405.4 MB

Ebony Love (1988)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:42 AM PST

Release Year: 1988
Cast: Jeff Jim (Bijou) Allen (Bijou) Craig Ron
Genres: Interracial Classic Anal Pre-Condom

Description: Four vignettes with no story and all action. Hot Glory Hole presents a greedy cock-sucker who swallows a macho man's long cock. The sucker gets his face fucked and eats the other's cum. Then, a second man (mustached, tanned and muscular) fucks the sucker under the toilet stall doggie-style. They both jack off and cum.

Format: avi
Duration: 55:02
Video: 320x240, XviD, 749kbps
Audio: 119kbps

File size: 355.5 MB

Dimitri Leskow, Miguel Martinez + Kieron

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:39 AM PST

Studio: Cazzo Club
Cast: Dimitri Leskow, Miguel Martinez, Kieron
Video language: English

Three recruits are on stand by for their next mission. Dimitri and Miguel fill this time teasing sheepish Kieron. First he has to suck their beefy dicks. Then Kierons tiny ass is put to test. Dimitri looks sweet but he is a nasty fucker with stamina. After blasting the crap out of Kieron he is pounding Miguel until they shoot their cum all over his body.

TimTales - Lucio Saints and Scott Hunter

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:39 AM PST

Musclehunk Scott London was in town so it would be a shame if we would not have taken advantage of it and do a video! We wanted to give him a very good time so we asked extrahung fucker Lucio Saints to fuck Scott´s tasty musclebutt.
And after Lucio had given him him a big load of cum to eat, Tim stepped in and gave Scott a hot shower of his piss!!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:56
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2874kbps
Audio: 229kbps

File size: 636.2 MB

Pregnant 12

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:36 AM PST

Release Year: 2008
Genres: Pregnant
Video language: German

With big bellies and wet pussies these hot women let their fantasies flow in this super wild hammer production. Here pregnant women get fucked until the milk-hills are shaking and horny moaning fills out the whole location. Don't miss the chance to see pregnant sluts in action!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:45:36
Video: 384x288, Windows Media Video 9, 439kbps
Audio: 15kbps

File size: 796.1 MB

Pledge Dog show by S

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:35 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Genres: Anal, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Dildo, Fraternity, Group Sex, Hazing, Humilation, Toys
Video language: English

The S** frat decided to put their pledges through a dog show routine. They were stripped down and made to wear a leash and collar. They had to do tricks and prance around like real dogs, wiggling their asses and cock. After some dildo fetch, the boys had to show how far they were willing to go to get in, even if it meant a 3 day in front of the brothers.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:14
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 289.4 MB

Pros in BDSM

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:35 AM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Duration: 15 min
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Actresses: Cool girls
Description:Pros in BDSM. Sometimes we like to give our members a little bonus. This video of Sister Dee was just too sexy to hold onto. Nina Hartley and Ernest Greene happened to be stopping by and we left her out as a sort of kinky welcome mat. They made themselves right at home. Both Nina and Ernest take a real liking to SD. You can tell because they begin to play with her right away. And SD does not mind one bit. They barely get their hands on her before her pussy is dripping wet.

Video: Windows Media Video File 1280x720 1500 Kbps
Audio: Cooker 44.1 KHz 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kbps

File size: 214.5 MB

Roxy beach toys

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:33 AM PST

Video language: English

Roxy Raye, a young, extreme girl from Florida who likes to have a good time while getting as extreme as I can. You guys are in for a real treat, as you'll see some of the nastiest (and sexiest) content anywhere on the internet... right here! From gaping my asshole wide open to listening to the gagging sounds as the camera gets real close as I deep throat a big dildo, from using large dildos on myself to fisting my asshole and pretty pink pussy, you'll get it all here! Odd objects, prolapsing, squirting & lots more are all right here!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 8:46
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2434kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 163.4 MB

Dreams From The Music Room See Justin Conway Getting Fucked & Spunked On!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:31 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

If music be the food of love, a certain William Shakespeare once declared, play on. In this particular instance, however, it's not so much love that dictates the pace as down-and-out lust – which for young blondie, Justin Conway, comes in the rather dreamy form of Stanley Black, a dark-haired, Latin-looking beauty who promptly (and all-too-easily) distracts Conway from his musical studies.

Then again, given the choice of doing scales and arpeggios alone on the piano or enjoying a little "getting to know you much better" time with a horny mate which would you choose? Yeah, thought so – and it's exactly the same decision that our fair-headed beauty comes to as well, as the two lads immediately begin to exchange blowjobs before savouring a sultry session of head-to-toe cock-sucking.

Unsurprisingly, it's not at all long before Conway is lifting his legs into the air in order to be fucked in pretty much every conceivable position – from behind, from beneath, from on top ... no doubt you get the picture! No surprise, therefore, that the guy is soon squirting a generous wad of jizz in appreciation; whilst Black sprays all over Conway's tongue, before the two lads exchange the kind of cum-laden, open-mouthed kiss that ought to a prerequisite in all porn!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:11
Video: 720x404, AVC (H.264), 1857kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 327.5 MB

Dillon Rossi Rails Max Carter

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:31 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Ass Play, Blowjob, Cumshots, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Tattoos, Twink

Dillon Rossi hasn't fucked a guy in a while, so he was eager to put that thick cock of his to use! He's one of the most sexually versatile guys at CockyBoys, but there's something special about him when he's the top. With his modest, attractive personality, it's extremely hot to see him suddenly take control and dominate another guy.
And Max Carter seemed to be the perfect bottom boy for Dillon. They're both very different, yet their bodies complement each other very well. No matter what position they were in -- Max on top, doggy style, spooning -- Dillon and Max really fit together like peas in a pod. Another great scene where chemistry is everything!

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:56
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2928kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 334.4 MB

Milan and Zeb

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:30 AM PST

These sexy boys are looking for an escape... a hot fuck session will do the trick!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 16:46
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1855kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 246.4 MB

Family Tutor 1

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:26 AM PST

Cum ecstasy features guys who can't get enough of each other as the cum flies all over their faces and holes. The ultimate cum gushing is going to get your taste buds pulsating and your cock tingling.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:15:40
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1757kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Chad and Ace - Jerk Off Buddies

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:22 AM PST

Studio: TheGuySite

Chad and Ace are opposites in lots of ways. Chad is a cub while Ace has a swimmers build. Chad is naturally hairy while Ace is smooth. Even in their tastes, they have some opposites. Chad, the shorter one likes tall women and Ace, the taller one, likes shorter women. They do have some similarities in that they both like big asses and doggy style sex. See them show of their own asses and everything else before busting a nut here.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 24:46
Video: 1324x744, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps
Audio: 429kbps

File size: 338.2 MB

Extremely Topical Roller

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:22 AM PST

Cast: Adrianna Luna

Adrianna Luna well-known Asian a miracle porno, in a new extremely topical roller will haunt to you not to the fellow who diligent tries to give it pleasure!

Format: mp4
Duration: 46:07
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 878kbps
Audio: 76kbps

File size: 325.4 MB

Road Queen #27

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:16 AM PST

Cast: Alice March, Heather Starlet, Deauxma, Randy Moore, Shyla Jennings, Charlotte Stokely, Adriana Chechik, Elle Alexandra
Genres: Lesbian, MILFs, Teens
Video language: English

She's looking for a few good women! If you love to watch women deep kissing, making love with genuine passion and feeling, and giving each other real orgasms, then you have come to the right place!

Format: mp4
Duration: 2:32:04
Video: 704x396, AVC (H.264), 827kbps
Audio: 130kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

BSB - Sonny & Brandon Beal (16 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:14 AM PST

Studio: BrokeStraightBoys

It finally happened! Enough money made Ayden open up his man hole for a fucking. Paul gets the chance to pop that cherry, and he pops it good. Each stroke is balls deep, and it doesn't matter how much Ayden groans! Ayden will walk funny for a week.

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:59
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1800kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 272.9 MB

StraightGroupSex - Boys In The Woods

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:12 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: StraightGroupSex - Boys In The Woods
Cast: Uncredited

We sent a few of our gay studs to a local running park. They posted up at one of the benches where a lot of the school boys go to hang out. We ran into a group of them and we over heard them bitching about the economy. We said them if they ever fucked a dude for cash. They laughed.. We threw some cash around and watched the cock flow Watch these boys get fucked!

Format: mp4
Duration: 33:17
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 781kbps
Audio: 99kbps

File size: 215.6 MB

Butter Me Up

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:06 AM PST

Release Year: 1984
Cast: Lili Marlene, Dann T. Mann, Lynx Canon, Jon Martin, Nina Hartley, Blair Harris, Scarlett Jones, Rock Maraino.
Genres: Feature, Straight, Classic
Video language: English

Through a series of flashbacks, a beautiful wife recalls her introduction to anal sex. Adventures include scenes with her young and wild girlfriends and a series of group encounters that are sure to please the most lusty viewer!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:13:58
Video: 640x480, DivX 4, 1041kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 639.0 MB

Unreal pain.

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:05 AM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 38 min.
Description: Unreal pain.The most extreme and exciting video. Many unusual torture for slaves. Watch the best videos

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 280.5 MB

Roxy pool prolapse

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:03 AM PST

Video language: English

Roxy Raye, a young, extreme girl from Florida who likes to have a good time while getting as extreme as I can. You guys are in for a real treat, as you'll see some of the nastiest (and sexiest) content anywhere on the internet... right here! From gaping my asshole wide open to listening to the gagging sounds as the camera gets real close as I deep throat a big dildo, from using large dildos on myself to fisting my asshole and pretty pink pussy, you'll get it all here! Odd objects, prolapsing, squirting & lots more are all right here!

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 9:09
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 2298kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 164.3 MB

Straight College Boy First Anal - Ayumu Tsukamoto

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:01 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Studio: Black Satan
Genres: Asian, Anal/Oral Sex, Bondage, Blowjob, Enema, Facial, Handjob, Masturbation, Toys, Teen
Video language: Japanese



Format: avi
Duration: 2:12:40
Video: 720x416, XviD, 1924kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 2.0 GB

Vic and Erik

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:00 AM PST

Smooth, young, horny and fit as hell! These lads open up to their mates big dicks.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 19:07
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1855kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 281.1 MB

QZ Men 86

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 10:00 AM PST

Release Year: 2013

Country: UK
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 64

Description: Beautiful September issue of men's magazine. Download and enjoy!

File size: 11.1 MB

TimTales - Rogan Richards fucks Diego and Wagner - Sweaty Musclefun

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:59 AM PST

If you like big muscle guys than this video will fullfill all of your dreams, as we bring you not one or two, we give you 3 big hot muscleguys fucking like crazy in our newest sweaty and hot episode.
Pornstar Rogan Richards from Australia was in town and wanted to play with some other musclehunks so we got him Diego & Wagner and as you can see in the video, this was the best idea we could have had.
The three were a great match, we all had a lot of fun in that afternoon. And we caught everything on camera for you.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:58
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2827kbps
Audio: 135kbps

File size: 477.6 MB

Taught about S&M, Ball-gagged and tied, flogged, humiliation

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:55 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Video language: English

Mechanic Bobby is a sexy bit of rough who drifts into the BreederFucker's office looking to service the air conditioner. Having access to other people's homes and work spaces has made this fit young man extremely curious about prying into other people's private affairs. Rather than diligently keeping to his work he has to stick his nose in where it doesn't belong. When he's offered a lesson in what S&M means he can't resist trying it out. By the time he's gagged with his arms restricted by rope there's no going back and nothing he can do to stop the big bad men from tearing his clothes off and making him perform a debasing series of tasks for their perverse sexual pleasure. To really stop this boy from wiggling away from the men and trying to get away they insert a vicious anal hook up his tight bum. He's roped to the ceiling beam so he has to stand on his tip toes and his hot naked body is permanently on display. By the end, both his face and his arse cheeks have gone bright blazing pink.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:00
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2764kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 436.0 MB

Vance Crawford & Jake Jammer

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:54 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal, Oral Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Cumshots, Facial

Vance Crawford and Jake Jammer arrive in an SUV. The blue skies, sunshine, balmy air and nothing to do make a potent aphrodisiac. Jake's unbuttoned shirt seems an invitation to touch his smooth, firm chest.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:27
Video: 750x420, AVC (H.264), 987kbps
Audio: 78kbps

File size: 199.8 MB

Milk Mother I'd Like to Fuck

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:52 AM PST

Cast: Lisa Ann

Ramon goes to Los Angeles whistling to visit Lisa Ann, a mother than anyone Follari. A monument of a woman with tits and ass with a public scandal. Lisa talks about his holidays in Ibiza and how well it will be before you start riding the hard cock of Ramon Nomar.

Format: mp4
Duration: 31:23
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 344.5 MB

Forest - Tyler

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:51 AM PST

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Submission, Domination, Torture, Spanking
Video language: English

Tyler gets dragged into the great outdoors, tied to logs and trees by the nipples and wrists, pussy flogged and fingerfucked. Bugs and dirt give a nice woodsy feel to Tyler's special day out in the cunt-tree.

The poor girl is pulled into the woods with her arms bound tight, elbows touching, wearing a head harness and a pair of jeans shorts. She's pushed to the ground, her shorts yanked off, and she's tied to a log. She tweaks. Dirt and leaves are tossed in her face, onto her body, and in her cunt. She's soon bound in a hogtie, rolled around on the ground, and caked with dirt.

She stands on two logs, so that her feet are widely spread. Tyler's nipples are tied above her. Drool runs from the tube gag down to her cunt, attracting one whopper of a hairy black fly. Tyler's pussy is fingered and yanked. A flogger whips her breast, pussy, and ass. The two logs are pushed father apart. She wobbles in a wide straddle.

Tyler's wrists are bound high above her in a tree, her ankles tied together, and her neck cinched to the tree. She's flogged, giving her ass a nice rosy appearance. One ankle is lifted and bound to a leather thong tied through her mouth. The sole of her foot is flogged. More pussy play, then she's fingerfucked.

That's life in the cunt-tree – a lot of good clean fun.

Format: real
Duration: 34:29
Video: 320x240, RV40
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 87.1 MB

Lover's Eyes

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:48 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Hammer Entertainment
Cast: Ricco, Mario Luna, Others
Genres: Twinks, Bareback, Oral/Anal Sex, Rimming, Big Cocks, Uncut Cocks

Take your love of twink porn one step further with Lover's Eyes. It's the knowing look when you lock eyes with a sexy stud and your heart begins to race and beat faster and as pheromones fill the air, your cocks begins to harden. For these young boys, the draw of another horny guy is too much, and these lads not only lock eyes, they lock lips around hard cocks and twitching boy-holes around throbbing dicks!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:40:47
Video: 720x416, XviD, 1701kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Patrick Rides Riverz

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:46 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Chris Riverz meets up with a super horny Patrick O'Riley. Right from the start its obvious that Patrick's hole is hungry, grinding his hips on Chris's lap even before clothes come off. Patrick's luscious, smooth ass looks stellar through his yellow boxer briefs. It looks even better once Chris's big bone plunges into it. By the look on his face, Chris is loving stretching Patrick's twink hole thoroughly from every which way, but he seems to pound harder doggie style. All this leads up to one of the best twink facials ever caught on camera, a must watch!

Peter Axel and Greg York

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:46 AM PST

Cast: Peter Axel and Greg York
Genres: oral, anal, cumshots, bareback, muscle, tattoo
Video language: English

You like it nasty? Then you will love these two bareback musclepigs from California.
Real life couple Peter Axel and Greg York know how to have fun. They fucked each other´s brains out and didn´t stop until they were both covered in sweat and cum.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 26:05
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2245kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 461.9 MB

Extreme Jail Bareback

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:42 AM PST

Release Year: 2002
Cast: Mark Horn Patrick Ives Dick Diggeler Rod Iron Guns Timothy Cretin Hank Jefferson
Genres: Muscles Bareback Anal

Description: Enjoy being behind bars with hot hunks and steaming sex action. These guys don't mind spending the night in jail when the crime fits the punishment!!!

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:15:32
Video: 352x288, MPEG-1, 1123kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 753.9 MB

Prison Snake Princess Super HD-Quality 3D 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:39 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Straight, Creampie, Big tits, Vibrators
Video language: English

The largest government-run penitentiary in the world has remained an impenetrable fortress, except for one incident 22 years ago.Just before the climax of a decisive fight there's a massive jailbreak. The sole female of the Shichibukai, a certain pirate snake princess, is suspected as the jailbreak's mastermind.They'll see her in chains for her treason.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:29
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 9243kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Pregnant 7

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:36 AM PST

Release Year: 2006
Genres: Pregnant
Video language: German

When pregnant women start to live out their very horniest fantasies there is really nothing that could stop them on their way to intensive orgasms. The Heat of these girls doesn´t know any borders and with a big belly fucking is even hotter than ever before, what you can see in this film.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:33:12
Video: 600x480, Windows Media Video 9, 976kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 713.1 MB

The Dig

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:35 AM PST

Studio: QueenSnake
Video language: English

Private Queensnake's orders are to dig a foxhole in the freezing cold rain, full naked of course. Her commanding officer Tanita supervises the operation. Unfortunately her motivation enhancer bullwhip got all wet and heavy...

Suffer my favorite torture

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:35 AM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 34 min.
Description:Suffer my favorite torture. New torture for slaves. Her vagina will get better in the world of torture. Watch and enjoy

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 210.8 MB

Balls and skittles in the anal

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:33 AM PST

Video language: English

Sexy blonde decided to have a bowling alley in her anal. Puts the pins themselves in the ass.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:34
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 2927kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 433.7 MB

Lukas and Milan - Part 2

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:30 AM PST

Bring on the meat! This heady mix of hunks ram and spit-polish their fleshrods like nobody's business. This is fuck-action at its hot, dirty best.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 18:33
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1436kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 211.8 MB

Wet Thai Boys

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:26 AM PST

This film gives us real cum hungry twinks who enjoy the feel of having their holes stretched open and pounded until the cum explodes from their balls.

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:03:27
Video: 352x288, MPEG-1, 1123kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 641.1 MB

Phillip Cochran and Rob

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:24 AM PST

Studio: TheGuySite

Phillip & Rob are straight friends who are comfortable enough in their sexuality to jack off side by side.Perhaps they didn't anticipate being side by side with their asses in the air for inspection. Everyone, including myself had a good laugh during filming.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 27:43
Video: 1024x576, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 1464kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 322.7 MB

Dripping Pussy

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:22 AM PST

Cast: Erica Fontes

Erica Fontes has legs that go on for miles. The type that you just want to wrap around your neck licking that wet box until it's dripping sweet sweet nectar. Bend Erica over and watch as she parts her legs to give clear access to her dripping pussy begging to be pounded!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 32:41
Video: 1024x576, Windows Media Video 9, 2441kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 596.5 MB

TimTales - Tim and Jake

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:19 AM PST

Probably everything on Jake is huge! Huge body, great ass and enormous cock!What´s not to love about this man?He´s a very sweet and shy guy and spent a lot of time in the gym to build his body as you can see.But even bodybuilders need a break sometime and how you can spend you´re free time better than with a big cock in your assTim was very happy to take care of Jake and give him a good pounding!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:39
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2875kbps
Audio: 165kbps

File size: 349.0 MB

16 Beautiful Cumshots

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:16 AM PST

Genres: Glamour, Blowjob
Video language: English

What could be better than watching our favourite redhead enjoying the product of all of her exquisite blowjobs? While she heals up and focuses on herself, let's take a moment to celebrate everything that she does by appreciating this gorgeous cumshot compilation. Whether wet in the shower, illuminated by the sunlight of a warm summer day, taking a break from painting to catch every drop of cum or looking seductive in lingerie, she always gets what she came for. It's impossible not to have an orgasm with that kind of skill at the helm.

Her sweet smiles and gentle giggles at the end of a facial, her appreciative glances after swallowing an impressive load of cum, the way she exudes quiet confidence in the aftermath of an incredible blowjob… It's all a testament to her profound and passionate approach to the art of a truly connected blowjob. These 16 cumshots are the results of 16 truly spectacular, giving, loving and real blowjobs. Camille is classic beauty who is absolutely worthy of her title: blowjob queen.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 5:55
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6877kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 303.8 MB

Strapped to a spanking bench, ballgagged

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:15 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Video language: English

Work men are notorious for teasingly showing off arse crack while tinkering around. Now that Bobby is strapped down he can do nothing to prevent his muscular round cheeks from being aggressively exposed and treated to a beating. His tight white pants are torn off him. The lad's face goes red while his tight fleshy nut sack is tugged and stretched. To really get him howling Dave lashes his arse and sensitive thighs with his heavy leather belt. The boy fights with all his might against his restraints but can't stop his sore bum from being relentlessly whacked.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 14:15
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2693kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 288.3 MB

Black Swan

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:15 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Studio: 21 Sextury
Cast: Jessyka Swan
Genres: Anal, Ass Licking, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facials, Gaping, Hardcore, Natural Tits, Stockings, Threesome
Video language: English

Jessyka Swan adores rough men. She always looks for someone brutish, someone powerful, who fucks her naughty, wet pussy and asshole like nobody else. Pete and Renato are workers in the warehouse where Jessyka decides to take out the bait... her very own body. This is a tale of two cocks, and a lovely brunette with a really big happy end.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:10
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1563kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 286.9 MB

StraightGroupSex - Stakes Are High

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:12 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Uncredited
Genres: Orgy, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Tea Bags, Anal Sex, Condoms, Cumshots, Facials, Muscles, Tattoos

These straight guys had one to many drinks during a poker game. It was a local game that was being held by a secretly gay friend of ours. His goal was to get this guys enough that they couldn't remember their own names lol. By the time we arrived it simply took us $2000 to pay them all to get fucked for the first time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 36:43
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 781kbps
Audio: 99kbps

File size: 237.9 MB

Ready To Drop 19

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:06 AM PST

Release Year: 2005
Cast: Sinnamon, Krista Leigh, John D. Player, Lynn Isosu, Michael Mack
Genres: Pregnant, Fetish, Facial, Oral, Hardcore, All Sex
Video language: English

Yes... pregnant women get horny too.. even really pregnant women, and they don't get any more pregnant than this. These girls are so "ready to drop" that we have medical personnel standing by during filming. These shows create their own specialty niche like no others can. Watch and see for yourself, thy these girls are "loads of fun" in every sense of the word.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:19:41
Video: 624x464, XviD, 1954kbps
Audio: 437kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Creamed Cunt

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:05 AM PST

Year: 2011
Genre: BDSM, Device Bondage, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Duration:46 min
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Actresses: Cool girls
Description: It only takes a little vibrator or a tiny dildo to make Dixon Mason moan. The big ones that PD pulls out are enough to make her scream bloody . If their size was not enough to make her uncomfortable the rough handling is. Her cunt is going to get the workout of a lifetime. It is the kind of training that she will need if she is going to serve. Toys that break too easily get thrown away with the rest of the trash.

Video: Windows Media Video File 1280x720 1500 Kbps
Audio: Cooker 44.1 KHz 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kbps

File size: 667.9 MB

Freaky Ladz

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:05 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Hammer Entertainment
Cast: Nico Castelli, Carlo Lunardi, Dominic Wilson, Joey Mason, Enrico Bossi, Lucio Casini
Genres: Twinks, Bareback, Oral/Anal Sex, Rimming, Fetish, Uncut Cocks

For these Freaky Ladz, playing with their big cocks, sucking and fucking just ain't enough. They like it a little freaky and these twisted twinks want it all. Toe sucking and foot worship are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to kinky scenes of skinny twinks smoking while they get their feet licked or their big cocks sucked!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:35:21
Video: 720x480, XviD, 1967kbps
Audio: 118kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Dude Wheres My Watch - Fisting (2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:03 AM PST

Video language: English

These holes take brutal punishment, and if you're not paying attention they could snatch up your favorite timepiece. When directors Tony Buff and Steve Cruz ask the question Dude! Where's My Watch?, instead of giving the standard wise-guy retort- "If it were up your ass, you'd know!" - they show you serious meat puppet action in HD and living color. First Tony Buff brings his sinister look and controlled focused demeanor to the screen. Rarely out of sight, Tony's massive cock stands ready to shoot as the willing ass of Sebastian Keys is coaxed into taking Tony's expert fist. Like a playground swing that goes higher and faster on every arc, the sling holding hairy Boyhous picks up speed and force when controlled by Element Eclipse, who uses his tongue, his cock and his fist to keep Boyhous' cock at attention. Race Cooper puts his cards, and his body, on the table in the form of a physique of dark-skinned perfection. Daddy Bear Josh West is the man to teach Race how to take a dildo, a fist and fuck. The gaping holes in Dude, Where's My Watch? take every punch, every probe, every clenched fist…they take it all, and as far as we know no watches were lost in the making of this film.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:28:55
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1956kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Electrical Attraction Results In A Sticky, Highly-Charged Twink Fuck!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:01 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

You don't need a plasma globe to tell you that this fabulous encounter between blond cutie, Chris Hollander, and STAXUS favourite, Ennio Guardi, is electric – but the two fellows decided to bring one along for the occasion just to prove it! Unsurprisingly, the orb sparks up into a veritable frenzy as the two lads press it against their dicks; but ultimately the novelty of the toy can't ever really hope to compete in the face of some good old-fashioned sucking and fucking.

Hence it comes as no surprise when it disappears from sight and the guys get down to the business of giving their horny fans a truly terrific electric display all of their own. Needless to say, it'll come as no surprise that it's Guardi – a few years older than Hollander, and boasting a body that's clearly testimony to having spent many hours in the gym – who proves the dominant party in this coupling; whilst Hollander acts out the role of perfect bitch, slurping on his mate's cock, rimming his ass and (ultimately) providing Guardi a warm, hungry ass-hole to fuck!

And let's be honest here and confirm that the dark-haired top makes the very, very most of the opportunity, banging away at Hollander's pucker with the kind of energy that had previously been displayed within the confines of the plasma globe. It's little surprise, therefore, that it's not long before both these beauties are knocking out generous wads for your entertainment – by which time, no doubt, your own knob will be responding with a similar spiteful fury!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:04
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4296kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 714.9 MB

Lukas and Milos

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST

Check out what happens when you throw a group of very horny, testosterone charged young stud twinks together. It's a fuck 'n fuck fest they'll not soon forget.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 20:47
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1855kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 305.0 MB

California Star - Office Training

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:55 AM PST

Release Year: 2013

Sofia is late and just is not working up to par. She likes to play games on the computer and just screwing around in general which is leading to mistakes on her paperwork. Well her boss decides it's time for a little attitude adjustment! The boss really puts her into some great spanking positions. Now he is ready for a day of spanking around the office especially when Stacy calls a friend over for a job interview. She would do anything for this high paying job and when the dark beauty appears; then things really heat up!..

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 54:06
Video: 480x360, Windows Media Video 9, 932kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 397.5 MB

BMR - Lex Antoine & Chad Brock (20 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:52 AM PST

Studio: BreedMeRaw

Lex Antoine loves his Daddy's and loves to please them. He was ecstatic to learn that he would get to please Chad Brock and was in heaven when he learnt he would get his hole used in a sling for the very first time. Chad loved going down on his boy's fat 8x6 uncut cock and almost gagged on it. But Lex was more interested in pleasing Chad's thick Daddy meat and getting it ready for his boy butt. They didn't have a chance to get to the sling before Chad bent Lex over the bench and slipped his cock into that hairy hole raw and starting pumping away getting it nice and loose. They finally did make it to the sling where Chad finished his duties and pumped that raw hole with more Daddy cock!

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:38
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1957kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 365.4 MB

Monster Dick in Kiki's Ass

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:52 AM PST

Cast: Kiki

It's a shame what happened to Kiki. I almost felt sorry for her RIGHT! Roberto had the head of his cock coming out her mouth as hard as she was getting slammed!!! You'd think that women would know by now that the D. Sanchez is all about deception....especially when it comes to poon-tang! Kiki was expecting a regular sized cock....but when Roberto unleashed his 14" behemoth of a man stick...she was scared shitless....and that was before she did the anal!

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 27:18
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 313.3 MB

Intense Shower

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:46 AM PST

Genres: Glamour, Blowjob
Video language: English

The water falls against me and I feel everything, completely at peace, imagining your cock, willing you up against me… You obviously know this is what I want, because you come to me, understanding exactly what I need. The droplets cool us down and I focus on the contrasting heat of your cock as you slide in and out of my mouth in this intense, beautiful blowjob.

Shower sex is always so passionate and intense, and your thrusts indicate just how much this precedent has been set. My red hair is dark and wet, a tendril clinging to my cheek, but I'm just so engrossed in this blowjob… And how could I not be? It's fast, powerful and gorgeous to experience. I love this torrential wave of pleasure that hits and sustains.

My hands build a tunnel so your shaft is constantly touched. You're as wet from my mouth as you are from the water, and in a moment, the droplets from the shower are eclipsed by a shower of your cum. You feed it to me, hungry and at your feet, coated in your cum, smiling and wild as I catch some water in my mouth, washing my face and envisioning what's to come.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 3:40
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 5742kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 157.5 MB

Exercising Peter (1998)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:42 AM PST

Release Year: 1998
Cast: Tom Katt, Dino Dimarco, Mattew Anders, Mike Kroner, Brad Hanson, Dirk Adams, Sweet Williams, Yawk McAllister, Troy Steele, Corey Cox, Andre Bolla, Jack Simmons, Mark
Genres: Oral, Anal, Safe sex, Rimming, Cum shots, Group

Description: A youthful set of hot uncut French fellows work out at the gym - and we ain't just talkin 'weights! A really extended oral experience in the locker room starts one particular workout. A second exercise seems to focus on the hips, cock, ass, and finally luscious seminal vesicles. Hmm, does your trainer illustrate this one for you?
Unbeknownst to them, a rather tall gym member decides he'd like to take part, whipping out a rather monstrous cock. Poor bottom boy yelps during this particular "stretching" exercise, but as they say - no pain, no gain! Lots of oral sex and ass-munchin 'finishes tall toppy off, after which his "spotter" covers him with spots (globs) of cum.
As for our upstairs gym clientele, a hot pair begin their own special regimen, fucking / sucking / cumming on the weight bench, other assorted gymnasium paraphernalia, and of course in the shower.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:46:20
Video: 640x480, DivX 5, 1781kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 494.3 MB

Megan- Megan's Dirty Feet

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:42 AM PST

Genres: FemDom, Humiliation, Feet Fetish
Video language: English

Gorgeous mistresses enjoy abusing and using men for the their own pleasure and punish male slaves with variables techniques. Femdom, Ball Busting, Whipping, Caning, Strap On, Chastity, Boot Domination, Body Worship, CBT, Humiliation, Bondage, Ruined Orgasm and Sexual Slavery

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 6:33
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4394kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 220.1 MB

TimTales - Tim and Kayden Gray

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:39 AM PST

If you haven´t fallen in love with Kayden Gray in his first video on Timtales, you will do it now.
His cock is rock hard while riding Tim´s huge pole. Tim gives it to him in every position and even enjoys a little massage of his cock with Kaydens feet.
At the end they both blow a huge load and we have to say it looks quite good on Kaydens cute face

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:54
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2071kbps
Audio: 192kbps

File size: 364.0 MB

Czech Massage 7

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:36 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Pregnant, Hidden Camera, Massage, Oral, Fetish, Hardcore, All Sex
Video language: English

Shocking revelation! Unbelievable! We have three spy cameras in a massage salon. We spy on Czech girls during a massage. They have no idea they are being watched. You will be shocked when you see what's going on inside! Almost every massage ends with fucking! Real footage! Czech amateurs fuck the masseur! We caught them red-handed – here is the proof! You won't believe your eyes! Watch the shocking reality! You won't find anything like this anywhere else!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 16:26
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 258.3 MB

Rod Daily Fucks Parker London

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:35 AM PST

Studio: Dominic Ford

What a great pairing! Dominic Ford does it again, pairing uber-studs Rod Daily and Parker London in a scene together. The two play around until Rod starts fucking Parker like a machine! They both explode onto Parker's chest. Not only is this ONE HOT SCENE, you get to see these studs in both 2D and 3D on Dominic Ford's site. You'll never be closer to these two studs than watching them in 3D. It's like you are in the room next to them. Threesome, anyone?

Another thug Hunted!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:35 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: interracail,condom,oral anal cum
Video language: English

horny white dude seeks hot black thug for no holds sex, wastes no time dropping to his knees and taking James' cock in his mouth!

Format: mp4
Duration: 32:45
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1464kbps
Audio: 63kbps

File size: 368.6 MB

Because They Want To Part 1 T2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:33 AM PST

Video language: English

Martin and his four incredibly sexy and piss-kinky fuck buddies got this piss soaked orgy started off right in the first update, and now that Kate Gold and Valentina Ross have joined Bella Baby and Cindy Dollar, we've got an all out group fucking session going down here, and there are still plenty of golden showers that need to rain down on this scene! The girls are taking their turns getting pounded and lezzing out with each other when they're not getting dicked, and those stinky, soaked outfits are looking fine as hell wrapped around these lovely Eurobabes, and by the time all those bladders are relieved there's only one thing left to do, and that's for martin to blow his load after a job well done! Kate Gold gets the bulk of that man sauce, but this update is filled with Eurobabe piss, and when they're doing it just because they want to, well you know it's going to a be a passionately nasty experience!

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:23
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6472kbps
Audio: 252kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Erik and Jiri

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:30 AM PST

Hot guys looking for fun in the afternoon! What's a little sex between friends? They hook up, they suck cock, eat ass and they like to take it raw... when it's all done, they eat up that cream!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 20:11
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1855kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 296.0 MB

Milf Legs, Panties and High Heels

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:30 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Studio: Lady-Sonia
Cast: Lady Sonia
Genres: Panties, Nylons, Stockings

As I open my front door to you and invite you inside you will be pleased to hear that my husband is out and as I know that "genuine" MILF's with long legs and perfectly shaped bottom excite you I thought that I would give you a VERY special little treat today! I REALLY love to be watched so today I am going to show you EVERYTHING from silky smooth Wolford pantyhose through to REAL fully fashioned nylons together with bare legs AND several pairs of my very special panties as well and ALL of this while wearing VERY high heels! Not only do I show myself off for the camera I also open my lovely long MILF legs WIDE for you so that you can see EVERYTHING that you want to see! Enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:47
Video: 720x404, AVC (H.264), 1949kbps
Audio: 90kbps

File size: 341.2 MB

Loving Damian

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:26 AM PST

Studio: Zebatlas

Zeb and his partner are today's main feature in the Zeb Atlas gay porn update. This naughty guys went all the way for this amazing scene as they didn't waste any time by removing their clothes quickly to operate their very own guy meats. So sit back and watch this horny guy getting down to suck Zeb's huge hard cock, who is preparing his schlong for breaking through his stretched ass in this particular outstanding fucking session.

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:44
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 652kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 165.0 MB

Gayce Avenue - Strongest Legendary Fighters

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:26 AM PST

The fucking in this one is unlimited. Each scene is steamy and filled with kissing, licking, and hard ass fucking. These studs no doubt gave it their all in this one!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:14:16
Video: 720x480, XviD, 1617kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Hairy Japanese Girl on Bed

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:22 AM PST

Cast: Aneko

Get a sexy young Japanese lady and put her in some lavender lingerie and you've got yourself a winning combination. Of course, that bra and those panties didn't stay on long because we were here for some hot one-on-one sex, not a fashion show.

Format: avi
Duration: 20:38
Video: 640x480, XviD, 1540kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 245.2 MB

Connor Levi & Ennio Guardi

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:22 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Bareback, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, Feet Massage, Fingering, Massage, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Uncut

Connor is in need of a good relaxing massage to get rid of some aches and pains and massage therapist Ennio Guardi is booked to do exactly that. Ennio arrives late, as traffic was a bitch, but he makes up for his delay by giving Connor an oily full body massage with an ecstatically happy end!...

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:50
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4877kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 1.0 GB


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:16 AM PST

Genres: Glamour, Blowjob
Video language: English

with my spit, providing a glide right into the depths of my mouth and back out again. In the darkness, it's mostly your skin illuminated by our incandescent desire. You always find your way back to the warm wetness of my blowjob.

Hand wrapped around your cock, I stroke it as I flick my tongue over the head. You're so thick up against the tip of my tongue. It feels like you're about to come already, but I hold off and kiss you a bit to get you off the edge and back to enjoying the subtle pleasures of this blowjob. When I look up at you, I see your eyes light up with an extra surge of excitement. It's so sexy to see that expression of pure bliss on your face.

You start to pulse, and your cum is flowing before I even know it. It's coursing straight into my mouth, giving me a beautiful load of creamy pleasure to swallow. I lap it all up, nearly wanting to ask for more… I'm sure I'll get another cumshot soon enough. You can't resist my blowjobs for long.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 4:55
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6864kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 251.8 MB

BDSM Twinks

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:12 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Kyle Young, Damien Braxton, Devin Neil, Blake Erickson, Zachary Stone, Jerrick Dalton, Ryan Meyers, Jamie Knight
Genres: Twinks, Fetish, Oral Anal Sex, BDSM, Bondage, Waxing, Food Play, Rimming, Spanking, Threesome, Masturbation, Cumshot, Compilation

Dark Realm brings you five intense twink-on twink BDSM scenes!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:37:27
Video: 848x480, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.5 GB

BMR - Daemon Sadi & Santiago Rodriguez (13 Nov, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:11 AM PST

Studio: BreedMeRaw

Daemon Sadi couldn't wait to get a piece of that Santiago Rodriguez's Latin ass once he knew he was going to have to do a scene with him. As soon as they got naked Daemon shoved his thick black cock down Santiago's throat almost making the boy gag. Then he flipped little Santiago over and started to eat his ass like it was his last meal. However, Santiago, wanted something a little thicker in his ass and pushed Daemon onto his back before sitting down on Daemon's cock. Daemon loved the way Santiago was riding his dick but he wanted to see just how deep he could go inside that sweet Latin ass. Throwing Santiago onto his stomach, he started to shove his black dick deep inside of Santiago before blowing his second load of the week. Santiago thought he was done and started get off the bed but Daemon had other things planned. He grabbed Santiago by the waist and started to eat his load out of that sweet Latin ass. Once he got every drop out, he sent Santiago on his way before going back to sleep happy and satiated.

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:09
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1951kbps
Audio: 63kbps

File size: 328.0 MB

Unreal crazy BDSM

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:05 AM PST

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping
Studio: Torture Galaxy
Starring: cool babys
Time: 37 min.
Description: Unreal crazy BDSM.Are you ready to see the best in the world of BDSM videos? Then look. Very interesting and unusual video.

Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps
Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 237.1 MB

Solo Natty pissing

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:03 AM PST

Video language: English

blonde masturbates pussy on the couch and pees in the bathroom

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 15:48
Video: 1440x810, Windows Media Video 9, 4394kbps
Audio: 429kbps

File size: 551.4 MB

Erogenous Service - Slimy Sex 2

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:01 AM PST

Release Year: 2011
Studio: KO Company, Mania Club
Cast: Sho Sasaki, Shinobu
Genres: Asian, Anal/Oral Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Handjob, Masturbation, Threesome, Toys, Twinks
Video language: Japanese

【割引対象商品 30%OFF】『性感奉仕』シリーズ第2弾登場!身体にヌルヌルローション垂らしねっとりグチョグチョ性感プレイ!巨根をねっとり性感責め!ビンビンになったチンポで掘られて悶絶!全身ローションまみれでドロドロプレイ!アナルにバイブをぶち込まれ太マラにしゃぶりつく!ローションまみれでガン掘りされて快感発射!!バスルームでローション3Pファック!ヌルヌルの身体と身体を擦り付けあい快感倍増!全身ドロドロになりながら上下の口で穴奉仕!挑発的な目線投げかけ性感奉仕!身体中をねっとり愛撫!顔面騎乗でアナル舐めさせ、自ら巨根に跨りファック!身体をローション責めされながら快感に悶える!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:58:00
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1904kbps
Audio: 54kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

Lukas and Martin

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 08:00 AM PST

Watch the hot hardcore action among these hot young guys as they make each other cream all over!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:00
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1855kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 308.0 MB

Electronic Angel Super HD-Quality 3D 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:59 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Students, Big tits, Oral, Group sex, DP
Video language: English

3D animation collection about sex scenes featuring a big sister girl and a shota boy.fellatio, cunnilingus, breast sex, missionary position, woman on top, back, ejaculation on face, internal cumshot, etc.

Format: avi
Duration: 12:35
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 2971kbps

File size: 274.6 MB

TimTales - Tim and Tomy Hawk

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:59 AM PST

Just take a look at the video and you will know why we both love Tomy!
He is sexy, masculine, he has an amazing body and is a pleasure to watch. But even more important: He is a pleasure to be with! A great friend, fun to work with, simply a great guy. A sure thing that you will see him regularly on our site!
Now enjoy the video. Even editing the material was so much fun and turned me (Grobes) on so much that i can´t wait to get him over to our place for the next shoot...

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3068kbps
Audio: 182kbps

File size: 549.0 MB

Little Cute Hairy Teen in 3some Action

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:52 AM PST

Cast: Chinatsu

That little cutie we saw previously wanted some more action, so she joined us for an encore. The two guys who banged her were all worn out, but we had no problem finding another pair of meat puppets who tag-teamed her and gave her plenty more screaming O's.

Format: avi
Duration: 22:07
Video: 720x540, XviD, 1560kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 264.8 MB

Cumshot Compilation - Summer 2013

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:46 AM PST

Genres: Glamour, Blowjob
Video language: English

Summer loving is the best, isn't it? When it's all warm out, all you want to do is relax inside with someone who makes you feel good. I want to be the one to make you feel amazing. Come for me, over and over again. Give me spurt after spurt of your cum. I want to swallow it, allowing it deep inside of me. Perhaps I want it between my breasts, slowly cascading down into my cleavage as you continue to pump shot after shot for me.

I love it when you come all over my face, leaving a creamy decoration of your love, rubbing it into my skin and letting me suck it right off of your beautiful cock. A blowjob is so sensual, but the end really drives home the eroticism. To know how well I've pleased you, to feel your orgasm surging against my hands while I stroke you into my mouth… How could I not be turned on every single time?

You're so gorgeous in the throes of pleasure. I want to keep you happy, coming and utterly at peace in post-orgasmic bliss. Hold me close, give me your cock and I'll give you a blowjob you'll never forget, just as you'll give me a cumshot that'll stay in my memories. Thank you for your cum. I love it.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 5:09
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6746kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 259.6 MB

Sex in the sun!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:45 AM PST

Release Year: 2012
Studio: Amateur
Genres: Amateur, Doggystyle, Blowjob, Ass-Butts

Amateur video of the car, where the blonde knows what to do in the cramped conditions. Download and enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 0:39
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264), 4790kbps
Audio: 123kbps

File size: 23.4 MB

Bear Boned

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:42 AM PST

Release Year: 2004
Cast: Mario Ortiz Riley Porter Mario Cruz Steve Hurley Damien Vincetti Wylie Edwards Dillon Press Jacob Scott Clint Taylor Andy Dill
Genres: Classic Muscles Bear Anal Safe Sex Pre-Condom

Description: An interesting combination of hirsute and smooth men makes for a slightly typical bear release in Catalina's Furry Features series. Mario Ortiz slips it to Riley Porter, a muscular blond, in the opening sequence of Bear Boned. Neither of these men is particularly hairy, but Ortiz is hung and they fuck like mad. Great photography and an excellent transfer highlight the hairiest couplings between Steve Hurley and Damien and Clint Taylor and Wylie Edwards. Hurley muscles his way into Damien's eager hole again and again and again before shooting through the slit left by his Prince Albert. Taylor gets his ass eaten in an extended rimming scene with this former Mr. San Diego Bear. Andy Dill, who sports a perfectly shaved head, has one of the hairiest asses in the cast. He and Mario Cruz wrap up Bear Boned with an athletic fuck over the side of a sturdy coffee table. Cruz is virtually hairless and his smooth dick contrasts nicely with Dill's hairy, hairy derriere until they both shoot copious loads before the credits roll on this fine Catalina release.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:22:14
Video: 720x480, XviD, 975kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 633.2 MB

Trey & Josh Drill Jackie (Nov 22, 2013)

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:42 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bisexual, Bareback, Oral/Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Threesome, Hardcore, Cumshots
Video language: English

This video was filmed without the use of condoms. Individuals should be comfortable with such material before viewing.

Another bonus bisexual update! We'd filmed this one awhile back, but many of you might not have seen it as it wasn't released on ACS. Well... here it is! And when you have Trey and Josh together, you can't go wrong!

These guys seem to get particularly riled up and all the more horny as they share a girl - each one trying to one up the other and impress her with their skills and sexual talents.

Eventually, though, they go from wanting to impress the girl to wanting to fuck the heck out of one another, Josh using that thick dick of his to pound Trey silly!

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:53
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 4690kbps
Audio: 102kbps

File size: 663.7 MB

Matt Johnson & Orlando White

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:39 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Bareback, Big Dicks, Blowjob, Facial, Fingering/Fisting?, Kissing, Muscles, Masturbation, Rimming, Twinks, Uncut

Matt looks out from his window at Orlando, who is working outside and he invites him up. As soon as Orlando walks into the room Matt shifts into gear. They kiss and pretty soon they end up on the couch, where Matt has got his hands down Orlando's overalls to see what he's up against..

Format: mp4
Duration: 30:08
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4877kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Best of Jessica!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:36 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Jessica Neight
Genres: Pissing, Degustation, Close pink, Crazy, Wet pump, Pussy wash, Teen, BlowJob, Squirt, Wet toy
Video language: English

Jessica is a perky tit blonde who knows how to please your cock. The first thing you notice about her is her cute smile and perfect tits. She eagerly wants to please and soon has her panties off, exposing her tiny pussy. Jessica starts pumping her pussy really hard with her suction cup device to make her pussy super swollen. Once her snatch is plump and red, she begins to play with it. She can no longer hold it back and starts to let out a huge stream of clear piss. She is a fantastically filthy girl who loves to lick her own piss off the glass chair. Jessica gets even dirtier when she uses a metal speculum to gape her pussy wide open until her hot piss begins to flow forth and gush out in great volume. To finish off her piss session, she decides to please her man's stiff pecker. Jessica gives him a blowjob and then ends by taking a mouthful of warm cum.

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:30
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 4886kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 683.8 MB

First A Dildo, Then Milan Sharp’s Raw Cock. Alex Candy’s Ass Knows No Fuckin’ Limits!

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 07:31 AM PST

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Staxus
Genres: Oral,Anal, Blonde, Blowjob, Cumshot, Facial, White
Video language: English

When you're a dirty little whore like Alex Candy – and let's be perfectly honest here, that's exactly what the young lad is! – time spent in a dungeon with Milan Sharp (and a dildo) is always gonna seem like a dream-come-true. So it's perhaps not at all surprising that the fellow puts on the show of a lifetime here – a scene that's set to send our legion of horny fans into the stratosphere!

Truth is, Candy's like a pro at the very top of his game, taking everything that Sharp throws at him and then rimming his pal's ass with such panache and energy that any lesser soul than Sharp would almost certainly have nutted there and then. Thankfully for us all, however – and for Candy's insatiable little pucker – the fellow manages to hold out; and our reward is the sight of Sharp's dick giving the lad's ass the kind of red-raw workout that it clearly so badly needs and deserves.

Indeed, there's no denying that Candy gives a performance here that's worthy of his up-and-cumming status as a power-bottom; and by the time he squirts his wad you'll be lucky if you haven't done just the same in appreciation. Top accolade, however, goes to Sharp, whose mega-shot climax really does have to be seen to be believed. Old Faithful has got nothing on this!

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:17
Video: 720x404, AVC (H.264), 1918kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 323.6 MB